<kuid:9000:37029> Abutment D 1track from TrainzProRoutes - I think no longer available.
<kuid2:661281:44121:1> TRS19 Trk Jarrah (no ballast) - Procedural - Seasonal Packaged in
--- <kuid2:57230:100074:14> Sebino Lake, Italy (1980s) and
--- <kuid2:515942:100169:21> Cornish Mainline and Branches - TRS19
<kuid2:661281:44215:1> TRS19 Trk Jarrah 3 Rusty (no ballast) - Procedural - Seasonal Packaged in <kuid2:620415:101000:15> Niddertalbahn - TRS19 (which is a free route)
<kuid:661281:85004> Grass Seasonal 2 by Auran payware in <kuid2:122860:100316:55> Canadian Rocky Mountains - Columbia River Basin
I am astounded to see how much Auran track is actually packaged in payware. Being a basic building block for Trainz I would think they would make it more available.