looking 4 answers


New member
I have been using trs06 for around 3 months now and I now have a few questions, If anyone can anser the following or tell me were I can get help I will be very gratefull

1) is there any way to remove a derailed train during a game?

2) is there a rule that I can d/l wich will keep trains on the left track of double lines? (this 1 ain't important)

3) is there a limit to the size of a map or how many consists are on a map?

4) were can I recolour my trains ? I've heard about paint shed but can't find it

5) is it possible to create a backup of my own maps so that I can re-install trs06?

6) how do I lay roads?

7) what does AWS stand for or do?

I'll probably have more questions but thats all for now.
Thanx in advance for any help.
hi mate

you need a rerail portal

then tick whichever things you want it to do.
it can rerail the trains or delete them

The creator maggs has two rules on the DLS:
- Derail train (kuid2 116387:8:2; if you have a train on your map you don't like and no portal to make it disappear)
- Derailed vehicle eraser(kuid2 116387:4:3; is self-explaining)


2- not a rule but one-way track markers
3- yes your computer
4- you open Paint Shed from within CMP (read manual)
5- read manual
6- read manual
1) Whilst various 3rd party assets maybe able to assist you with re-railing a loco. the intention is, that once you derail a loco, its game over. Just like real life. Try slowing down on the curves to avoid derailing. :)
2) You dont need a rule, design factor alone will make the Trainz go anyway you want.
3) Limited by your PC specs.
4) Paintshed from within CMP
5) Yes, by using CMP to save the layouts for you.
6) Laying roads is done the same as any other spline. from point to point.
7) Refer to mike's post above mine for more info on the Advanced Warning System.
AWS is on the ICE demo cursed thing i wanted to renact the crash of ICE 884. for paint shed go to paintshed templates right click on one go to edit the new paint shed asset. you can go as big as you want well you stilll need to watch polycount and the system spec of your computer.... rerail portal can be found on the DLS. i dont understand what you are saying in ? 5. the rest is pretty well covered.
hi kev

if you set it to rerail the train do not leave it longer than 1 minute if you have a lot of train traffic
the derailed train will start from that portal again.
you may have to help it to the right track when it starts


hi mate

you need a rerail portal

then tick whichever things you want it to do.
it can rerail the trains or delete them

Has difficulty to download from download station. Can you just email me the CDP of 'rerail portal' on mohanpatil_swing@yahoo.co.in?
Please help me. Or you can give me the path (other than Download Station) from where I can directly download(this will be better). I use Trainz2006
The DLS works fine here and the item that you are looking for is on the DLS. If you are having problems with the DLS please post your problem in this forum.

