Logging idea


New member
I have a sawmill that hauls a log up a ramp and into the saw. I thought it would be a good idea to put a pond there so it is hauling the logs out of the pond. I liked it and so I put a log dump on the other side so that the logs are unloaded into the pond. Now, this is the part I would like to have but don't know how to do. I think it would be great if there were logs floating in the pond. Anybody got any idea on how to do that?

This sawmill animates the logs going into the mill?
I would like to have this, as I am planning a logging
rail layout. Can you guide me to it.

I think it is already installed on TRS2006 and PTP but for TRS2004 I dunno, type in sawmill or look under industry in surveyor.

There is an industry that already does just this but at the moment I can not think of it nor where it maybe. Having a look on sirgibby's site (link above) may find it, it not post again and I will search for it.


EDIT: I thought I wold check on this for you, there is quite a lot of logging content by Slusmasher (86661) as well, search under his kuid on the download station for his work. Also look at 86661:144004 and I think you will find the logger to dump logs into the pond, from memory there is a little more to this industry such as setting up where the logs are loaded, then moving them to this industry to dump the logs.

Hope this helps.

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