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    • C
      coop2 replied to the thread Route Coal Country.
      No I didn't have any routes or sessions that I needed to save. I had made a few different routes and sessions but none that needed to...
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      coop2 replied to the thread Dispatch Manager.
      Thanks for your imput.
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      coop2 replied to the thread Dispatch Manager.
      I think I spoke too soon. I have taken the coal at the Powerstation to max and the train continues to deliver coal. I thought that if...
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      coop2 replied to the thread Dispatch Manager.
      I followed what you said and I think its working. I'll see what happen as I add more stuff.
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      coop2 replied to the thread Dispatch Manager.
      Thanks everyone for your input. Found TLR Kickstarter listed as a sissions. Questions. Does TLR work with a session that has say a...
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      coop2 replied to the thread Route Coal Country.
      I just deleted all Trainz on my computer and went to My Trainz and redownload the Trainz that I wanted.
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      Just viewed this thread. Such fun. Makes me want to build and build MRR
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      coop2 replied to the thread Realistic size.
      I did increase the view. It makes it a little better but assets still change in size. Just trying to make a MRR look more like a real...
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      What you are going through is an indication of what the real world someday will go through when everything is tied to AI
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      coop2 replied to the thread Realistic size.
      If your in model train room and you move around the size of the assets don't change. In Trainz that would make a MRR much more realistic.
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      coop2 replied to the thread Realistic size.
      This all being software and I have always that software could always be adjusted or tweaked.
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      How about cutting your route up, upload the parts to DLS, download parts and do a merge
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      coop2 replied to the thread Realistic size.
      I just want everything to stay the same and not change. If this is perspective than yes. Is there way to keep it from happening. Maybe...
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      Is there anyway to kept all assets and trains from changing size as you move further away. In a model rr setup as you move around the...
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      coop2 replied to the thread MRR Controls.
      I would wait. Not sure how far I'll go with this but, thanks. I see you used Blender. I've done a few thinks with Blender. Design...
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