Level Crossing Bells


How do you enable the crossing bells for a level crossing to sound only when a train is approaching a crossing or going through it etc? All the bells I'v come across sound all the time, even if there's no train in sight!! Not very realistic to say the least. Anyone who can help out or who has any ideas to remedy this please post a reply, Thanks

Hi Ralliart,

Yes all the crossing bells I have found ring all the time. I dont think there can be a fix for this except an update by the ceator. I would imagine the bell sound is in the script for the crossing sign and could only be modifies by the creator.

I find it better just to take the Bell sound file away
better to have no bell than to have ring all the time

Hi Ralliart,

Yes all the crossing bells I have found ring all the time. I dont think there can be a fix for this except an update by the ceator. I would imagine the bell sound is in the script for the crossing sign and could only be modifies by the creator.


Do a search on the DLS for author name: BNSF50 These folks got the crossings down to a science! They are prototypical, and they look great, with many variations. Hope this helps your "not so real" problem!

Good Luck!

Actually, it would be an annoyance if you were parked at the same location all the time, but when in a locomotive or passenger car, the sound is heard only on passing the crossing.