Lets have a bus thread !


Narrow minded Tram Person
I know there is a few people who like routes that are pure scenery with no tracks in sight, so diesal buses are a great choice.

I am woundering witch buses people like.

Animated Buses : with working destinations as well

Andi's Damier Double and Single deckers (LHD) Lots liverys on one bus.

Connyxy's Buses,
12 Man SD Man - Man 12, police
2 Lion City, (1 set up for CNG in one CDP)
3 Man DD Berlin, (2 with adds, 1 plain in 1 CDP)

2 Ikarus 66, (1 2 door, 1 3 door) (In one CDP)
I Ikarus 55C (In same CDP as 66)
1 x Ikarus 620 (In same CDP as 66)
1 Ikarus 68 and Trailer (In one CDP)
1 each HVV Ikarus 260 and 280 (in 1 CDP)
TRS07 version of the Man SD buses (6 Buses)
The NYCTA buses of various types and access bus
Sun Bus Metro (Repaint NYCTA Flexi)

Connyxy's and the NYCTA buses can change destination with the change destination command

Animated Buses no changable destination
The Post Bus
2 or 3 connect buses

No animated but carry passengers
Various versions of the Silverliliners
2 version of the Greyhound MC9? (America and Canada)
GM's Buses from Trainz.nl Lots different liverys
20 Alexander British double deckers.

We could also add
the OXO Horse bus
the DTRbus that can be hauled by a Steam engine.

I do like Andi's buses but at the moment I am playing with the older Ikarus buses 55,620,66 as I trying a driven on the right hand side system and think there also great.

If I have misses any please tell me, did a DLS search to try not to.

Awaiting your comments

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There are quite a few different European diesel buses on 3rd Party sites also if you are interested.......Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Russia....the list is quite large.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
I'm glad you started this thread. I built a demo bus route a while back (see http://www.virtualrailroader.com/BusDemo.html . I'm not clear on some aspects of your post. Are listing what's available or what you would like? If some of those listed are available I'd like to know where - especially the NYC buses. I haven't found anything like them on the DLS, at least not fully drivable.

I would like fully drivable buses with cab views. The Americruiser is one I like, though having the rear wheels swivel like a bogey is not quite right. Being from the US I naturally would like North American styles, but international styles are everywhere now, so that doesn't matter much. Driving on the right hand side of the road (driver seat on left) is a requirement for NA, of course.

I've been working to develop the demo route into a serious route, but it will be a wile before I'm finished.


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though having the rear wheels swivel like a bogey is not quite right.
If you're into fiddling you might try reconfiguring them to use the rear axle bogies from the Daimler buses. If you are lucky with the bogie points, this should work without issues.
Bus Routes

Check out my "Tracks in Street Pack" @ http://www.geocities.com/ac_mwm_interstate, is made to have special bus lanes. As for a bus, I am thinkin about that too, what I see on the GrayHound I found to test my routes has the rear bogeys backward and the don't move. Swiveling is because all scripting for bogeys set them as seperated units that have thire own fulcrum, just need to get that point to match the swivel of the body of the bus. But at the moment I am fighting to get my websites up to date, We must respect Auran in that to assemble all these assets into a single DLS takes alot of doing, I don't have so many and see it is a big struggle as it is! Sure ain't a eazy bus ride!
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Hi all

Abarten : For some reason I am getting page not found or service not avaible message from your link, maybe the server is down or too busy,

the list is what I know of and what I know i can find at this moment,

The GM buses are on www.Trainz.nl
Conny's buses are either on his site or http://www.trsbingen.de/php/news.phphttp://www.trsbingen.de/index.htm as well.
(Both you will need to register)
Rest on DLS

America_Connection : Thanks for the info

Ex- Railwayman : if you can add to this list please do, I am very intrested on getting as many as I can drivable buses.

Thought I would start this thread cause of the intrest lately in routes with no tracks ie. scenic only in driver

I am playing with a cut down version of Crown City kind of topped and Tailed and the trains disabled for my own use, now had about 184 stops and 10 routes 50 - 60, route 60 shortened to Apedon ending at the P&R and 60A ending at the station each 2nd trip with the portal set to 40 minutes. if I added it up right. Using UK Bus Stops no sign on a right hand running layot they do over run but are still withing the stop and do interact, for me that is acceptable.

One more good thing I should remember to mention is don't forget Cyberstorms driveable roads as well.

Glad I was able to start something intresting to others as well as myself.

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I would like fully drivable buses with cab views.
Motorman? (I think the ? is 1066) that comes from that "strange" country, um ur state of Queensland can help with that - althought they are Brisbane Trolley buses (shhh, don't tell him, but I just leave the poles off & pretend their diesel/gas powered buses if I need to!)
The bus is called a fishbowl. I seem to recall there being one for trainz; but i don't know where it is.

Hi again

I have now swapped all the stops on the Crown City bus Lines and it seems to be working ok but a little over run that I have been told can be fixed by trackmarks.

Also been fiddling with my own bus route Kauai converted to a bus route
Lihu Airport - Hanalie
Lihu Airport - Kekaha
Lihu Bus Station - Wailau Homesteads
Lihu Bus Station - Kaapa Homesteads
Lihu Bus Station - Poipi Vis Puhi
Adding some Tourist Routes as well.

At the moment using the Ikarus Buses, the H86 & trailer for the tourist routes.

The only problem is the roads were not meant orginally for driving and having to change the road system and smooth them to make it suitable. Woundering if more roads in the major centres should have footpaths on this island, Never been there. Orginaly all were Road Narrow witch some i have already replaced some with road unmarked to make them wider for two way traffic.

My only over problem at the moment is a video one, I think the FX5200 is giving up the ghost according to a tech, so I am going to replace windows 98 with XP and put in the new FX6200, at the moment the only way I can get back into trainz is reload the video driver that seems to work somethimes all day but sometimes only 1/2 a day.

Is there any North American drivable buses that are pass enabled

Hey I have 2 greyhound buses and they aren't pass enable does anyone know how to make it pass enable?

Are there any more North American Buses that are drivable? I can't find any there are alot of Euro buses but nothing else.
register for download
Answer the email that comes to you
Click on Downloads link on left side
Click on Katorgien
This will give you a download list by Trainz type
Click on rollmaterial then buses

In 2004 the re is 12 Man Buses, looks like the Ikarus buses have been removed.

In 2007 there is 5 Man Buses only that will work in 2006

hello , in my opinion ( No offense to the author) i think the mta nyc busses are slightly off in the base of the busses . There is also no Routes/ Destinations for the busses as well !
