LCD monitor problem


Senior Member
Hi all,
I aquired a 10 year old Batron 20 inch LCD monitor for free.
I hooked it up and ran it at 1024 by 768 (?) at 75 Hz. It worked. I increased the resolution a bit and it would not show the desk top. Went back to 1024 by 768. still bad. Tried 60hz. still bad. Works fine ubtil it is desk top time.
Any ideas?

change back to the lower resolution (1024 x 768) being such an old monitor it probably cant handle the higher resolutions.
He did change back to that.

Try changing to 800X600, I know it's small but most older LCD monitors can't actually go higher than that properly.
Given the age it is a possibility (although small) you may have damaged the monitor by trying to go above the recommended maximum resolution.
Try unplugging the monitor (power and video cable) let it sit for about 20 min and then plug it back in. This may reset it.
Given the age it is a possibility (although small) you may have damaged the monitor by trying to go above the recommended maximum resolution.
Try unplugging the monitor (power and video cable) let it sit for about 20 min and then plug it back in. This may reset it.

That was my unspoken thought as well. Have a look on the web for the model and see what the specs were.

Cheerio John
I have searched extensively for anything on this monitor and come up with nothing. There is barely anything about Batron.
I thought the native resolution of a 20 incher would be considerably more than 800x600. I will give it a try.
The situation is still unresolved. During boot up all screens are properly displayed until it gets to the desk top. This tells me that it can handle 800x600, 16 bit and 60hz. I set my desktop to that, rather than 1024x768 32 bit 76 hz. Makes no difference. Oddly though, when I go back to the CRT it is back to 1024x768 32 bit! Still 60Hz though.:confused:
And remember, the first time I tried the LCD at 1024x768 32 bit 76Hz (or 75?) it worked. It went bad when I kicked the resolution up one notch to see how high I could go.:o
try hooking the monitor up to a different PC and see what happens, if it still plays up maybe the monitor is faulty, if it doesnt than perhaps you need to get an up to date one.

cant think of anything else hope this helps