layout merge query


New member
Hi, I have a number of unfinished layouts that I load up from time to time to fiddle with.
I then had the idea that I could merge a couple of them to make a bigger layout, and noticed that most of my layouts run in an east west direction.
Now my query, if when merging 2 of these layouts, is it possible to rotate one of the layouts, say through 90 degrees, to merge it north south.
I have searched the forum for this subject but could not find any such.
It may not be possible, but I just thought I would ask.

The layouts are about 20 - 30 boards long.

It can be done but it does take some preparation by laying blank boards in the required direction.Then removing all spline objects before copying & rotating each board 90deg then pasting on blank boards then replacing all the spline objects Including track after the pasting is finished.If you don't remove the splines they attach to anything they can during the copy/paste & are almost impossible to remove or reposition.If the copy is ok then you have to delete all the original boards leaving only the new copies/
I used push pins to mark the splines including track for repositioning
see here

You could maybe try to join via a large "S" or "C" bend with some extra track and scenery between two parallel layouts if it suited what you wanted?
Just a thought!
