Layers again.....


Well-known member
I follow the age-old advice to 'Edit Session' but find if I pick the route layer to work on the track it lands on the session layer or is bound to Session.
I change the layer to Route and visit again to change the bound to None.
I feel I am the author to my own misfortune by doing it all wrong.
Learned brethren please advise. (ts12, sometimes wish I had stopped at '10)
Before you save and quit, merge session-layer into the route-layer. When I build I build on the Route layer, and haven't had any issues. Before you start, un-lock the layers then select the route-layer and do all of you editing on the rout-layers.

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Before you save and quit, merge session-layer into the route-layer. When I build I build on the Route layer, and haven't had any issues. Before you start, un-lock the layers then select the route-layer and do all of you editing on the rout-layers.


My previous post got lost somewhere....
I followed previous advice to lock all layers you are not working on. I'll try the merge, but does that not defeat the object of having layers? perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree again.
My previous post got lost somewhere....
I'll try the merge, but does that not defeat the object of having layers?

Yes, merging session layers into the route layer does somewhat defeat the whole purpose of having layers BUT if you are only ever going to create just ONE session for your route then it probably does not matter much.

Most problem occur, from my reading of the many threads on this issue, when people create and save a session and then go back into Surveyor by selecting "Edit the Route" instead of "Edit the Session" - yes I know there are some who claim that this is not the case but it has never happened to me that way.
There's something strange happening with SP1+HF4 on my installation.

Create a new route and lay a single piece of track.
Change to the session layer and place a loco on the track

View the properties of the loco. Note that it is on the session layer.
Select the 'Layers' tab and hide the session layer. The loco does not hide, but now you can't view it's properties.

Now, un-hide the session layer and the loco disappears and you can't view it's properties.

Try to delete a loco. I find that it cannot be deleted, no matter which state the session layer is in.

Is it just my installation or does anybody else notice this?

I thought this can't be right - Trevor is obviously suffering from (a) delusions (b) excessive alcohol consumption or (c) both.

So I tried it and I have to confirm that he is right !! either that or I am also suffering from (a), (b) or (c).
I thought this can't be right - Trevor is obviously suffering from (a) delusions (b) excessive alcohol consumption or (c) both.

So I tried it and I have to confirm that he is right !! either that or I am also suffering from (a), (b) or (c).
Trying various things out I also discovered that you can make that loco appear while zoomed out then magic occurs as it disappears when you zoom in.
Didn't want to mention it before you two owned up :)
This seems to happen to rolling stock only. Changing the lock state of the layer adjusts visibility of the rolling stock (until the next change of the layers visibility).

Thanks, Guys for confirming that. Does this mean I can continue with the alcohol?

Have a Great Year 2015.

Funny, I experienced this problem too yesterday, a loco was visible when the session layer was hided and vice versa. The loco can be removed by adding a new one and connect it to the invisible one. Since I have updated to SP4 (I was using TS12 without SP) I have continuesly problems with drivers and paths, layers, track not saving (junctions are moved to 1 location far far away from the original spot), longer saving times (why?). Running a session directly from surveyor is a no go either. To be sure everything is working "normally" I full quit now and is very frustrating.
Also items in lists are not shown in alphabetical order argh. I hope this mess will be fixed in T:ane ......

So I have been working three days on a session and have several trigger points in layers and have had no issues. Then tonight I added a couple of locos and rolling stock to a layer and it hosed the entire session. Just what you guys are saying. Now I click hide layer and the locos show up. I click show layer and the locos disappear. Man, I am so angry right now. You guys have any suggestions?
What is the purpose of having more than 1 layer ?

In TRS2006 there is the base route (which contains all the assets and track), and the session (which contains all the locos and railcars).
I thought it would be obvious. Different session layers can hold different rolling stock and scenic items, and also allow for variation in trackmarkers and triggers. Use the base layer only for the things that will not change. Used with imagination and understanding of the process, the layer concept is a winner. Best thing since sliced bread!

I thought it would be obvious. Different session layers can hold different rolling stock and scenic items, and also allow for variation in trackmarkers and triggers. Use the base layer only for the things that will not change. Used with imagination and understanding of the process, the layer concept is a winner. Best thing since sliced bread!


I could not agree more. Once I got the hang of layers, it opens so many more options for making complex sessions. In this session I was creating two parts to the session. I wanted to hide all of the assets of the first part of the session and free me to work on the second without disturbing all that I have built. It has worked great in the past, but not now. I'm assuming that with all the focus on TANE that they are not going to fix it either.

What about using layers in building a route? How many layers should one use? What things should be in different layers? Someone please elaborate as to their best practices.

Something that users may not realise. You can change single items between route and session layers. Assuming you want to move a trigger that currently sits on the Route layer, open the route layer, select the trigger then go to the naming page and top right hand corner gives you the choice to change the item to session layer. Helped me out many times.

What about using layers in building a route? How many layers should one use? What things should be in different layers? Someone please elaborate as to their best practices.

Obviously no hard and fast rule but I like to keep industries and signalling on separate route layers.