Lat/Long Reader malfunction


New member
Having downloaded and installed the Lat/Long Reader (KUID: 70337:23016:2), I find that I am unable to use it in a new DEM-based layout I have created in TRS2004.

On loading the layout (in which I have already added a World Origin) and selecting the Lat/Long Reader object, I am unable to add the object (nothing happens when I click on the base board). If I then select a different object in the list, the Lat/Long Reader object disappears from the list!

I have also tried installing the Lat/Long Reader into TRS2006 and using the same layout, but the Lat/Long Reader doesn't even appear in the objects list in Surveyor.

Has anyone else experienced this? Have I somehow managed to install this object incorrectly?

I remembered your thread and when I was in TRS last night I tried the Lat/Long reader on a DEM file I had, everything worked OK. I have been using the reader for a long time and never seen the problem you have encountered.

Sorry if this is not much help, just thought I would let you know there must be a reason for this as mine works. Have you tried the reader on a single baseboard to see if everything works?

Another thing to remember that I found out by mistake, you should not have more then one World Origin on a layout.

Just tried it in a new 2006 map. It added without any problems. Then after adding a World Origin, the coordinates where shown.

How do you add a second World Origin. Every time I clicked on the WO button, it just moved the existing WO to the new location.

How is a DEM baseboard different from a regular baseboard? Is the visible surface the actual surface? Could the missing Lat/Long Reader be somewhere underground?

First I've heard of the Reader misbehaving. :eek:
Just tried it in a new 2006 map. It added without any problems. Then after adding a World Origin, the coordinates where shown.

How do you add a second World Origin. Every time I clicked on the WO button, it just moved the existing WO to the new location.

How is a DEM baseboard different from a regular baseboard? Is the visible surface the actual surface? Could the missing Lat/Long Reader be somewhere underground?

First I've heard of the Reader misbehaving. :eek:
Hi Martinvk,

I have never heard of any problems nor encountered any either.

I am not sure you can actually ADD another World Origin to a single layout, however if you merge two layouts and BOTH have a World Origin marker then the results stuff up. I can not remember exactly what happened, but both Alan Yeomans and I found the same problem.

A DEM file has the landscape created for you, that is the mountains, valleys etc, so in some part a mountain area may be 100m while another part may be -20m (a valley). I thought that the marker may be hidden "underground" (at the level of 0m) too, thats why I tried it and there was no problem.

Martinvk, there's an error with the latest version on the dls - kuid2:70337:23016:2. There's a missing tga texture file, blue.tga. TRS2004 displays it with the error but TRS2006 won't. I'm guessing most people using it in TRS2006 delete the blue.texture.txt file.

Bob Pearson
Lat/Long Reader, KUID2: 70337:23016:2 error correction

Hi Bob,

Thanks for pointing that out.

One of the problems with being a creator and an inveterate tinkerer is that things like that slip by. The original Reader had a single colour texture. Then during the upgrade in 2004 I modified the texture and didn't notice the orphaned texture.txt file. Almost all of my original guides and helpers have been modified of the years to better fit my changing needs and some day I'll have to get around to uploading the latest versions. Unfortunately I keep tweaking them so they won't stay the latest very long. Unlike most games, this is always going to be a work in progress with the parts being continually modified and revised.

Meanwhile, for anyone with the 17th Dec 2004 version of my Lat/Long Reader, KUID2: 70337:23016:2,
in TRS 2006, please open the object for edit and delete file "blue.texture.txt. Close and Commit the object. It will now work correctly. For those using it in TRS2004, you can also delete the file if you want, even though you won't get any error if you leave it there.
Martinvk, there's an error with the latest version on the dls - kuid2:70337:23016:2. There's a missing tga texture file, blue.tga. TRS2004 displays it with the error but TRS2006 won't. I'm guessing most people using it in TRS2006 delete the blue.texture.txt file.

Bob Pearson
Good pick up Bob, I never tested it in 2006 but I know I have the reader there. Maybe I corrected there problem a long time ago and have forgotten and obviously not tested in this example.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the tip, re: TRS2006. Having made and committed the changes you suggested, I can now drop Lat/Long Reader objects on my layout.