Landrvr1's Shouth Shore cars HEL:P!


"Vermonter Railfan"
Dose anyone know or can give me Landrvr1's Chicago South Shore R.R. EMU's? I know that are some peolpe on here that have them and are willing to give them out. PLEASE!
Landrvr1's content is an exception to normal distribution rules, as it can only be distributed via email (the creator has given permission for this to happen). Unfortunately, I haven't got any of the requested content.

Hi rynodude

Send me a PM with your Email and i will send you a copy fixed for TS12 build 49922


JackClare1995 if you search the forums permission was given BUT only by Email's
Thanks! Every one and if you guys want to see any of my work go on over to Amtrak trainz group (forums)