Landlvrs Content


Fan of Everything Train
Since I have heard that Landlvr has released his content for freeware trading, may I please see screens of his work. I know he makes a zepher, but may I see pics
Here is a pic, of a shark
I'd rather see screens first. My computer is not the best, and Id rather see them first before downloading them
Some traction stuff

like this(a reskin of it) but its what it looks like.
This has a cab view,then another that looks like it only with a passenger view.
What I have, is the california Zepyer,CB&Q pioneer zepyer,CNS&MRR Greenliner,silverliner,sharks,CSS&B 109,21,24,27, and some E7s
Those are the things I have.
he has a handful of E7s E5s, Sharks (as mentioned) some CNS equiptment, Souh Shore interurbans (both old and modern) A CB&Q Cali Zephyr, CB&Q Pioneer Zephyr, Amtrak Cali Zephyr, and an Electroliner (which doesn't work in '06). I beleive thats about it. I'll post some pics of some of the stuffI have soon (tm).
