Since I have heard that Landlvr has released his content for freeware trading, may I please see screens of his work. I know he makes a zepher, but may I see pics
What I have, is the california Zepyer,CB&Q pioneer zepyer,CNS&MRR Greenliner,silverliner,sharks,CSS&B 109,21,24,27, and some E7s
Those are the things I have.
he has a handful of E7s E5s, Sharks (as mentioned) some CNS equiptment, Souh Shore interurbans (both old and modern) A CB&Q Cali Zephyr, CB&Q Pioneer Zephyr, Amtrak Cali Zephyr, and an Electroliner (which doesn't work in '06). I beleive thats about it. I'll post some pics of some of the stuffI have soon (tm).