Keaton Henke's Polar Express route


Owner of Keaton's Trainz
Hello all! If this thread is unnecessary, feel free to remove it or move it to where it needs to be ;)

Back in 2017, I started a Polar Express route in Trainz 2010. I was just getting into route making and didn't really understand anything. I completed 2 versions and then stopped.

A month ago, I began again in TRS 2019. I've amassed some good skills with route making and thought I'd share my progress with you. I couldn't really find a thread this type of route fit in so here goes:


(This is where the ticket flies out of the window after Hero Boy loses it)


(Flat Top Tunnel)


(Caribou Crossing)


(The beginning of Glacier Gulch)


(The Ice Lake)

It's a mix of speed trees, JVC, Turfx, rocks, grass, PBR and non PBR rock and snow textures, and some JR track.


This is the size right now. I believe it's somewhere around 200 - 230 baseboards, and I only have from when the girl's ticket is lost to just outside the north pole. for about a month of work, it's looking good. Also everything is being done by myself, by hand with no other tools to assist. So yeah :P I'm also having custom assets like the angry tunnel opening for flat top tunnel and the two signs right before Glacier Gulch. It is definitely still a WIP so things may change around but any feedback is appreciated :)
I think its more like a Thomas-the-Tank-Engine and Polar-Express thriller route since the trestle and lake are both out of this world for providing
ridership compared to roller coasters.





Wow it's been a bit since I posted here but alas, I'm alive and this project is zooming right along!


Current size of this route is well over 370 baseboards. I've lost count. I've gone back and redone Flat Top Tunnel, the ice lake, the curvy mountain and will redo Hero Boy's neighborhood and the city therein. It's on track for a December 24th release date over on my website :D
I'm also extremely excited because I've taken up modelling and have been modelling a WIP Polar Express engine and tender!