Just a little info, if possible ?


New member
Just a bit to say that I've sent my laptop, and desktop computers to the "doctor's" to be looked at. The laptop, although not able to run T:ANE, it's useful for general work, and wasn't setup for the Internet properly, and now does the job beautifuly, thanks. And the desktop model, a Lenovo 3.0 GhZ model, failed to connect with the Internet, but it's working now.

When I was waiting for T:ANE to arrive, I was messing with things in general, and was sorta wondering "how big, exactly HOW big is the T:ANE file itself, do some of those who've already unpacked it, previously, happen to know ? And how long would it be likely to take ? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm just curious to know, that's all. Thanks in advance, and cheers !


Jim McDermott
A basic install of T:ANE CE 1.1 will net you around 14 gigs. I have an Intel I7-4770 3.4Ghz and it took around an hour to install. If you do install it, remember that the first 20 minutes or so it will not show any progress and act like it froze up(which it hasn't). After that you should see a progress bar until it finishes. I would recommend installing it overnight, then it should be ready for you when you get up.
Keep in mind that in the future you will start downloading new content into TANE and the space it takes on your HD will be a lot more than just 14gb. I would not be surprised it will be many times that number.
Keep in mind that in the future you will start downloading new content into TANE and the space it takes on your HD will be a lot more than just 14gb. I would not be surprised it will be many times that number.

LOL, that's for sure...I'm running about 90 gigs, and that's probably on the light side ;-)