JR signal scripting help


New member
Hello all, I need help regarding the coding of JR' s smart signals. My issue is that the block lengths (or how many signals in advance are lined up for a given train) are far too short. In the real world (especially where I model), there are stretches of CTC track that have many signals in close proximity to each other, and trains are usually lined up about 10-30 miles in advance (over 10 signals). The JR signals in-game are only lined about 3-4 signals in advance, which can be very noticeable to me. I'm not hugely knowledgeable on coding so I'm curious if anyone in this forum would know what line of code to change to increase the block length/how many signals can be lined in the .gs files located in the smart signal library. Hopefully this makes sense! Signalling is a huge and vital part of railroading to me so I would love for my signalling to be as accurate as possible. Thanks in advance!

Happy Holidays! CP5756
Happy Holidays and welcome to the Trainz forums!

You may want to ask this same question in the Jointed Rail forum located under Your Creations and then Third-party Partners, but I have a feeling this is at the program level and Jointed Rail's smart signal script interacts with that.
...The JR signals in-game are only lined about 3-4 signals in advance, which can be very noticeable to me. I'm not hugely knowledgeable on coding so I'm curious if anyone in this forum would know what line of code to change to increase the block length/how many signals can be lined in the .gs files...

In the .gs file there should be a line that states how far the track search in meters is, usually 500 meters from what I've seen in other scripts.

If you provide the kuid and name of the asset you are mentioning, I will take a look at it

Faulty Asset List used by the Content Repair Group or CRG, it has thousands of assets that need to be upgraded on the list. You could be nominated to join if you have the skills to fix the stuff. JR's stuff is either Freeware or Payware, and yes it's best to contact them first, but if the stuff is Freeware and on the list, and they don't claim it, well.. Someone one the CRG can claim it.
In the .gs file there should be a line that states how far the track search in meters is, usually 500 meters from what I've seen in other scripts.

If you provide the kuid and name of the asset you are mentioning, I will take a look at it

sorry for late reply! I am looking at the Jointed Rail Smart Signal Library v1.77a, <kuid2:45324:555100:20>
sorry for late reply! I am looking at the Jointed Rail Smart Signal Library v1.77a, <kuid2:45324:555100:20>

The one you list is now Built-in and can't be messed with. The previous version is a DLS asset that you can mess with for personal use. So maybe downlosd it and clone and and try to make changes. Look for lines that do TrackSeach and then there should be a parameter for distance in meters

<kuid2:45324:555100:19> Jointed Rail Smart Signal library v1.77

My opinion would be to figure out a differnt way with invisible signals etc.. This script(s) is big and complex, and as my signature states, if it's not broke don't fix it.
I just want to stop here and tell you that I am aware of this thread but have not fully thought out the process or if there is an answer for you.

Off-hand, I do not think increasing the search distance ahead will help, that should already be maxed out, what we want to do is cause the signal to "do" something from further away from the train. I will have to look through the code to see for sure but what I can tell you straight away is that you cant tracksearch that far in any direction as the maximum is 25km or around 15.5 miles. What that means is that there is no way for a signal to "see" your train if it is not within that limit. This may very well be the reason the signals are not active when you think they ought to be. In addition the signal's detection can be limited by the amount of trackside type items on the track(>500 IIRC), as only so many can be processed for performance reasons. This is a pretty rare case, but I have run into it.

I'll think about it some.
Hello all, I am coming back to this thread as I believe I have *briefly* fixed my issue. From my findings it seems that the value that needs to be changed is the actual numbers of signals to search for, rather than the actual distance. Here's an example of the default line in the script before changing any values

approachingTrain = SmartSignalCommon.TrainMovingTowardSignal(me, false, 5, 16090); // 5 signals or 10 miles, whichever is closer

My issue is that I actually got to extending the reach of the signals by changing the default value of 5 to 10, however I went back to the script and changed a signal aspect after I commuted the asset the signals are back to reading only 5 in advance... Not sure why it reverted back when the values themselves were not reset!