JR ES44 GEVOs Custom plows..!!!!

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Hi JR Team
Although ES44 GEVOs are high detailed Locomotive ever made by Jointed Rail ,yet i think there is still need a little improvement in plows..i am sharing snapshot of GEVO that has smart plows as compared to JR ES44.
Plow on JR ES44 looks not good.Its my request to JR Team to edit or change plow on JR ES44.
Here is snapshot of smart plow on BNSF GEVO.
Hope for Attention and Response..!!!!


​Wow this escalated quickly........ O_O

I went looking around the internets and I do see that GEVOs have slightly different plows, but..... WHO CARES!?
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Just Relax.
I was just giving suggestion.
There is always room for improvement, If you don't want to improve,Its up to you.
I don't think you understand that the JR ES44DC mesh is several years old... When/if they ever update it, I'm sure that will be addressed.

Right but I don't know what a "smart plow" is and the ES44 model is 8 years old it won't be getting any changes and it is far more likely that it would be rebuilt from scratch.
He wants you guys to make a new "smart plow" on your ES44.

Yes Exactly..!!!!
Trainz was updated from Trainz to TS04 to TS06 to TS09 to TS12 to T:ANE, Then why not Locomotive Update...!!!!!
Although JR Locomotives are Awesome, High Detailed ever i seen, I am Just saying that updating PLOW will make UPDATED, SMART & CUSTOM look to GEVOs.
Guys This is my point...:)
Right but I don't know what a "smart plow" is and the ES44 model is 8 years old it won't be getting any changes and it is far more likely that it would be rebuilt from scratch.

The plow which is used on JR SD70ACe is "smart plow".
No Need to Rebuilt, just addressing to replace the plow.:)
Here it is cleared in snapshot "GEVO and ACe with Smart Plows.."
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So I'm looking at JR's ES44, the plow on it looks pretty much the same as the ones in your picture there...

Can you describe what a "smart plow" actually is, because I don't know & it sounds like most people here, who are very knowledgeable in the world of trains don't know.

Thanks for replies.
Can you compare this JR GEVOs Plows to JR SD70ACe plows...???? That will clear what "smart plow" means..!!!!
Actually JR GEVO Plows are wider than its (face) CAB Width, while JR SD70ACe plows fits to its (face) Cab Width.
JR SD70ACe has smart plows, and this plow must be on JR GEVO.
Following (TWO) Snapshots will clear the difference between the plows...!!!!!!

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You're blabbering about stuff no one cares about. JR makes items to the highest quality they can, and their model is obviously correct from a prototypical standpoint.

Just leave it alone and drop this useless subject for god sakes.

Mods, lock the topic.
You're blabbering about stuff no one cares about. JR makes items to the highest quality they can, and their model is obviously correct from a prototypical standpoint.

Just leave it alone and drop this useless subject for god sakes.

Mods, lock the topic.

I care about it.
I agree that JR Locomotives are Awesome, High Quality locomotive.
Just replacing the Plow is not problem for author.
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