Jointed Rail's Christmas Sale is now active.

It's a mystery to me. Is it just a discount at checkout? No sign of a sale and nothing on their forum site except this thread.
Looks to be 40% off which is a nice discount. I assume it will run until for 24 hours per USA time.
Looks like I could buy some locomotives I would want/need, although I might miss on that out for reasons that I have...

I was going to consider on buying their T:ANE locomotive assets as I got T:ANE recently.
Ah, OK Thanks wreeder! Odd that they don't draw more attention to it.
Yeah, I think that too. Their sales these days are never announced and only last for the day of the holiday they are associated with in most cases. I've just gotten into the habit of checking the site on holidays.
Yeah, I think that too. Their sales these days are never announced and only last for the day of the holiday they are associated with in most cases. I've just gotten into the habit of checking the site on holidays.
they are announced on JR's Facebook Page... Make sure your Following that Page.....
A few years ago, former Facebook employees made public the fact that Facebook's entire business model is based upon gathering as much personal information about you, your friends and family as possible and then selling that information to businesses for use in direct marketing. No thanks.