Alco Spoken Here
Great, just what we need. Seriously guys, you can try to push past the atrocity that is T:ANE, but I don't think people are going to forget it any time soon. Going for the next money grab may be your MO, but if any real "change" is to be implemented, it should start with fixing the damn game as it is currently.
Count me out of your sales pitch, I've already gotten screwed over by the last release. Currently, NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, about T:ANE has been a "win-win" for the community and N3V. I spent over $60 on a game that currently wouldn't exit beta at any other company. "Sharing time between two projects" almost always results in the older product getting pushed out. Seriously, we still haven't gotten the DRM free version we were promised (no, I do not mean an offline switch), and half of the "new" features don't even work properly. Heck, you didn't even KNOW about one of the features your supporters were trying to push until they shoved it in your face! The community has gotten flattened by DRM and lack of content creation tools, you have to use a backwards and annoying way to edit builtin routes, you still can't even edit builtin content properly, alpha channels still don't work, the game is still unoptimized, backwards compatibility is shot unless you want to spend most of your free time updating content to "current standards," we can't use non-DLS content (some of the best out there) in multiplayer unless we hack into the game and change code around... I could go on all day!
If you really can't see that your customers are unhappy, then there is a bigger issue here.
EDIT: Also, a SUBSCRIPTION model? REALLY? REALLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Let me get this straight: you aren't confident enough in sales, because T:ANE was a complete flop, so you resort to gouging users with a subscription system to a "new feature" that you are claiming you will implement? Seriously? You have got to be joking. Make a good game that will sell, don't rely on a BS strategy that has marginal success with SUCCESSFUL games... Or are you not confident enough that this PR and sales ploy will generate enough sales for another ski vacation? Geez guys, you really are taking Trainz in a new direction... Towards a white porcelain bowl.
Count me out of your sales pitch, I've already gotten screwed over by the last release. Currently, NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, about T:ANE has been a "win-win" for the community and N3V. I spent over $60 on a game that currently wouldn't exit beta at any other company. "Sharing time between two projects" almost always results in the older product getting pushed out. Seriously, we still haven't gotten the DRM free version we were promised (no, I do not mean an offline switch), and half of the "new" features don't even work properly. Heck, you didn't even KNOW about one of the features your supporters were trying to push until they shoved it in your face! The community has gotten flattened by DRM and lack of content creation tools, you have to use a backwards and annoying way to edit builtin routes, you still can't even edit builtin content properly, alpha channels still don't work, the game is still unoptimized, backwards compatibility is shot unless you want to spend most of your free time updating content to "current standards," we can't use non-DLS content (some of the best out there) in multiplayer unless we hack into the game and change code around... I could go on all day!
If you really can't see that your customers are unhappy, then there is a bigger issue here.
EDIT: Also, a SUBSCRIPTION model? REALLY? REALLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Let me get this straight: you aren't confident enough in sales, because T:ANE was a complete flop, so you resort to gouging users with a subscription system to a "new feature" that you are claiming you will implement? Seriously? You have got to be joking. Make a good game that will sell, don't rely on a BS strategy that has marginal success with SUCCESSFUL games... Or are you not confident enough that this PR and sales ploy will generate enough sales for another ski vacation? Geez guys, you really are taking Trainz in a new direction... Towards a white porcelain bowl.
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