Item of the Month


Knuckle Shuffling
I know JR has been busy with the holidays and the changes to its website, but I was wondering when the item of the month will be changed? Or is it even still a thing with the new club membership?
Yeah sorry about that!! I am behind schedule and was hoping to have a new site up already. Running into a couple of bugs but we're almost sorted out. Let me get that together and change the Item of the week too!!

Yeah sorry about that!! I am behind schedule and was hoping to have a new site up already. Running into a couple of bugs but we're almost sorted out. Let me get that together and change the Item of the week too!!

Item of the month.....I know there is a item of the week that hasn't been changed in a couple weeks, But I never knew there was a item of the month. Maybe, The item of the month is just for club car members and if so. That is why I never heard about the item of the month.
Well, another weekend come and gone? If you're trying to build up anticipation or apprehension, you're succeeding, lol.

That depends on how you mean "Operate". They've usually made updates on Friday's around mid-day, but its happened before where they'll miss a day and do it on Saturday on the midday. No updates either of those days this past week regardless, which is the crux of my post.....

That depends on how you mean "Operate". They've usually made updates on Friday's around mid-day, but its happened before where they'll miss a day and do it on Saturday on the midday. No updates either of those days this past week regardless, which is the crux of my post.....

Its changed.
Again guys sorry for the delays, we have a new site being built and I was hoping we would have been live sooner. All updated now.

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