Is there a certain method I should use to save sessions?


New member
Reason I ask is because I end up, despite doing a session overwrite, of several preceding sessions archiving. Then it gets to a point where the session can no longer be saved and I must either use previous sessions (which is like going back in time based on what I do) or begin a new session which means having to go through the whole route and refill it with trains, etc. Takes forever.

Hopefully this makes some sense because its not easy to clearly articulate.
There shouldn't be anything different with session saving in T:ANE than other versions except that the overwrite actually does that instead of creating a new session, which was very confusing in TS12.

There two things I would look at here for starters.

How much disk space do you have?

T:ANE and TS12 too create backups of your work every time you edit something. These can add up to a substantial amount of data on your drive. In addition, if you are creating new versions, you are using up space for each one of these as well.

The other possibility is the database has issues, and for this I would recommend performing a database repair.

What I do is , since I don't do any route building is set the game to create only one backup. Also, if I am driving a long route, say Maria's Pass or UMR and I have to save fairly often I delete the incremental saves. I keep the original setup , but delete all the saves between the one I am about to open and the original.
What I do is , since I don't do any route building is set the game to create only one backup. Also, if I am driving a long route, say Maria's Pass or UMR and I have to save fairly often I delete the incremental saves. I keep the original setup , but delete all the saves between the one I am about to open and the original.

Thanks, I'll give that a go. Although I think I've tried something similar already. It's not a game breaker, however, as by the time it prevents me from saving more increments (so to speak), I'm usually ready for some new trains, anyways. FWIW, I run the Marias Pass like it's my own railroad. Good times. So basically, you're saying to create the session and keep that base and then delete all intervals between the starting session and the last session?
I found that there seemed to be a limit on the number of saved sessions before it would not save again. I then saved it under a new name (usually added a 1 to the original name) and then edited the config file for the session back to the original name (minus the 1) and it continued to save again until it reached the limit. There are no interval sessions if you overwrite, only if you rename.
I found that there seemed to be a limit on the number of saved sessions before it would not save again. I then saved it under a new name (usually added a 1 to the original name) and then edited the config file for the session back to the original name (minus the 1) and it continued to save again until it reached the limit. There are no interval sessions if you overwrite, only if you rename.

I'm not sure I follow. I wonder why there is a limit to the number of saves that can be done on a session. Is it the same story in TANE? Seems strange, is there not a solid work around with this issue?
The people who can resume a session of UMR in TANE are fortunate. Every time I try to resume a session it just hangs there and I finally have to use Task Manager to shut it down. Task Manager shows me that everything is running but when I shut down I get the message that TANE.exe is not responding even though it shows that it is running. I'm very frustrated with this. I would love to continue a session since it is a large route and would take hours to complete a session. Boc61, do you do anything different when saving a session I UMR?