Is it possible to open a '06 route/map in '04


New member
I was wondering if there is some way to open a route/map or session into version '04 that has been made in '06 version.

If it can't be done, is there some modification that can be done before or after saving the file.

Cheers David
Some people have suggested opening the config file and changing the build number to 2.4. I've moved on to 2006 a while ago, so can't test it.
Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I have changed all the file names to the names of the map such as in 2004 conventions. The map name is Hokitika so I have named the files as hokitika.trk etc. This didn't work.

I also went into config.txt and changed the asset-filename to "hokitika". This still didn't work. I then changed the order of the line instructions in the config.txt to a similar order as in other config.txt files. Because in the past I have found this to make a difference anyway. I also changed the trainz-build to 2.4 Still no luck. By saying it won't work, I mean that when I run Trainz and select Surveyor, it doesn't appear in the list of routes.

I have also done many checks in TrainzObjects. It seems to be OK in there.

If anyone can give me any other things to try I will be very grateful.

The reason I would like to do this is because a friend has made a map in TR06 and emailed it to me as a cdp package. This opened up OK and was automaticaly filed into the dispatcher folder. My equipment cannot handle TR06 and I would very much like to try it.

I await your comments with anticipation.

Cheers David
Here's one method.

1. Open for edit in explorer.
2. copy folder to a temporary area.
3. Copy folder into \Auran\TRS2004\World\Custom\Maps.
4. rename the folder to the routes name.
5. Open folder and rename the individual files to the route name.
6. Open config.txt and change trainz-build from 2.6 to 2.4
7. Start 2004 and go to surveyor and do the ‘Delete Missing Assets’ option and resave route.

Of course some things may be missing now due to 2004 not having the 2006 items. Just replace them with 2004 ones and away you go.

Worked for me.

It seems to me that any computer that does well with TRS2004 can run TRS2006.
Do you supose there is a chance that I could be wrong?:rolleyes:
It seems to me that any computer that does well with TRS2004 can run TRS2006.
Do you supose there is a chance that I could be wrong?:rolleyes:

Iwent over to 2006 as I was finding the 2004 had a death wish if you get my drift in the lying in onts back with its feet in their line.

although 2006 has fallen over on me it is alot more stable. this could just be my machine as it is self build.

One other thing you might need to do: if the config.txt file doesn't have an asset-filename tag, add one. It can go anywhere outside of existing tags, for example on the end of the file. Its parameter should be the filename (without extension) of the layout's BMK, GND, OBS and TRK files, in double-quotes, for example:

asset-filename "abcde"

BTW, after making any changes, delete the ...\Auran\TRS2004\Cache\world_cache_Dispatcher.chump file before restarting TRS2004.

Hope this helps, John
Thanks for your comments.
I deleted the world_cache_dispatcher.chump file and that did the trick.

I also suspect that all the other changes are also required in order for it to work. I have just spent the whole evening re-doing it all one change at a time to try and see what the minimum requirement would be, but this time I couldn't even get it to work. So gave up on that idea and replaced it with the file that actually works.

Thanks again for your assistance.

Cheers David
Can anyone please help me,

I have done all the bits from above for the 06 route to work on 04 but when I go on the route and click on load map anyway it then an error message comes up saying a fatal error has accurred. It is access violation.

Can anyone please help me.

Matthew Nix.
The map name is Hokitika

Oooo, (sliding off topic somewhat) Hokitika sounds interesting. I live in Greymouth, just up the coast, and (as you probably know) the only connection between here and Hokitika these days is an industrial line between Greymouth Yard and the Hokitika Dairy Factory. Two trains a day - one down early morning, and one up early evening (I'd love to know what the loco crew and pilot do in the meantime :) ).

Hokitika was a major West Coast port (New Zealand for readers of this thread who wish to know) from the mid 19th Century (when there was rain forest and bush cover down to the shoreline) to the very early 20th (post forest and bush clearance) and the connection between Greymouth and Hokitika was busy and varied.

I do hope you fix your importing into 2004 problem
I expect you are talking about a different route as the Hokitika route has not yet been released onto the download station. It was made by a very good friend of mine (who used to work trains on the coast) as an addition to my Midland Line.
I actually, finally got this '06 route to open into '04 but I had to do a bit more than all the points mentioned above. Problem is, I played around with it that much I don't know exactly what was required. I did use TrainzObjects to do a lot of cleaning and removing things. I also rewrote the config.txt file and put everything in the same order as is found in similar '04 files. I have found in the past, the wrong order can cause serious problems. You can't be far off, getting it to run though, if you got that far. By the way, I had many parts missing, but they weren't all 2006 items as the file was sent to me by email. Maybe someone else will be a better help.

Yes the line ends at the dairy factory, but the problem was it didn't arrive in the package as I will have to get it from the download station. You may like to have a look at my route the number on the download station is KUID 231556:100451 It only goes as far as Greymouth and North to Westport as I was concentrating on the coal work.

Cheers David
Yes it is a copy of an in progress route I asked for via email.
It is been made by Marky7890.
Good point Harry. Also I suspect that '06 maps may well contain '06 built-in assets which aren't included in '04 or easily obtainable elsewhere.

Hi all,

Yes there was a few assets missing, but I suspect that's because the route was sent to me by email and not from the download station. I tried to get the black screen on Trainz to download the missing assets, but that didn't work. I also tried from TrainzObjects and that didn't work either. I finally found that Content Manager let me download 28 missing assets successfully from DLS (one at a time) and the route then "came to life". But a further 14 couldn't be downloaded, but I probably don't need them.
I am supplying this information on what I found as it may help someone else who may read this in the future.

Cheers David