Invisible bogeys


Well-known member
A question to all creators:

What is the function/purpose of an invisible bogey, sometimes found included in with the dependants for a model loco or coach?

Is the included invisible bogey specific to the model or can any generic invisible bogey be used?

Apologies if this subject has been covered previously.

Thanks very much,

The main use is for locos/stock with a fixed wheelbase. Trainz uses the locations of a.bog0 and a.bog1 to define how the vehicle follows the track. Thus each vehicle needs a minimum of two bogies. For a something which only needs one bogie (eg an 0-6-0 loco) you could use the invisible bogie under the rear fixed wheel and have the actual bogie attachment under the front fixed wheel. This ensures the front and rear wheels both follow the track.

The invisible bogie is not vehicle specific, I always use the built in Auran invisible bogie, but some creators like to make their own.
Thanks, edh6, that answers my question very precisely, especially about specific/generic invisible bogeys.


As an additional point; if you have errors with a non N3V invisible bogie, as I have in the past, you can replace it with the N3V one.
As an additional point; if you have errors with a non N3V invisible bogie, as I have in the past, you can replace it with the N3V one.

Thanks John, that's precisely what my problem is - was!

I also note that it's not 'bogey' ( I don't play golf or pick my nose! ) but 'bogie' as yourself and edh6 have written :o


Bogey is also another term for enemy, e.g. (bogey incoming) or (engaging bogey) or (disabled a bogey and mopping him up), lol.
Thanks John, that's precisely what my problem is - was!

I also note that it's not 'bogey' ( I don't play golf or pick my nose! ) but 'bogie' as yourself and edh6 have written :o



While the above is true you will find the spelling has to be BOGEY in Trainz. Trainz will not recognise BOGIE as a valid tag.

Faulty Bogey

I don't know which one he's talking about but for me it's the built in one that's "<kuid:-25:622> invisible bogey" I can't delete it or edit it and when I open to see the dependencies there's nothing there