

I agree with your post regarding the search program, finding the key words to find exactly what information one is seeking can be difficult.
I have searched for answers, that have returned 1500+ posts/threads.
However, topics like the "DLS is down", and many others, do not require a search, only a quick glance thru current threads.
Not being rude or griping, just stating that newbies appear to not even read what has been posted recently ?

I joined here at the end of 2006 believe it or not:eek: I have quickly gone up through the ranks starting as a noob,similar to the ones now,then I left for a long time,but then when I came back I found a lot of new interesting topics,particularly one about someone making a NJT route,I kept my eye on this for some time then noticed the creator edited his first post saying that he had stopped production on it.So I contacted him and found out this man behind the name is actually a kid around my age,who lives in NJ(skiingiggy). The relation quickly grew,then we came up with the idea of starting our own site we had a very slow and humble beginning,but we slowly gained members,and grew to what we are today.
With all that said,I do have to say(although probably a bit biased)that I must say that the site we have now is on of the best around.

And since I am one of the top posters on this forum,I take that with pride,and turn that to help as many people as I can.I do run into snags and have gotten into a few fights on this fourm but most of the fights that I've had has simply been put behind us,I don't want to mention names but there was one instance when a who I think as a senior member here who is very talented it route building,kinda insulted me as well as skiingiggy,but when his birthday came around I did take the time out to wish a very happy (insert# here) and wish you many more to come,from what I got in return from him seemed as if nothing ever happened between us,that made my thoughts totally change about him,but unlike some of the newbies here they are not like that,they have very short attention spans,as well as a short fuse when it comes to anger.

I to have found very little topics recently that actually drew my attention other than what was already mentioned (country)screenshots.But even those are becoming a bit bland.
I have also noticed this my forums as well the topics are dull,some haven't been active in god knows how long,not very interesting.
I personally think that we are all slowly running out of ideas,but every now and again a person will come across a good idea(maybe a few) And thats all that counts,I call this "creators block":hehe:
Another one of those oldies here.

I think one of the reasons for the cyclical nature of the forum posts is the type of game that Trainz is. As was mentioned before, new versions bring new questions and new features that need to be discovered and explored. Once this has happened, most people get down to actually using the game. And since it is an open ended game that can do just about anything you want it to do, that can be all lot of things, different for everyone. As well, once you have found a map(s) to create, it tends to be a long term activity which takes some people away from the forums for quite a while.
Interesting thread.....

I been around since Summer 2005. Got TRS2004 delux out of the cheap bin at Staples as a gift for someone else put it on my PC to test it and have been enjoying it ever since. My initial experience with the old forum was to try to figure out my hardware problems and I would read only technical hardware stuff. I had dial up internet so I would rarely look at the screenshot forum it took too long to load. Trainz does have a learning curve that unless one dedicates the time and effort to learn through trial and error one will never learn the potential of the game. I did that hands on in the game. I spend 85% of my time in Trainz building routes. I rarely if ever posted to the old forum. Then the crash! The forum was gone for a long time. It came back as Trainz Classics. I got a better computer and DLS that solved my hardware problems and my interests and participation in the forum expanded to take interest in a greater variety of subjects. I check the forums daily and sometimes its boring and sometimes its interesting. I would guess there are members like myself who have expected different things from the forums at different times but its unrealistic to expect different things other members at anytime.:hehe:

Ian,Mike & others...I must raise my guilty flag here. I came to Trainz at the end of UTC about the time of the greatly anticipated 2004 release. And, have purchased every release since then.
I generally put it down during the summer months then pick it back up when it gets cold here in the states ( around November). I find that I have forgotten anything I learned the previous winter!
About searching...I always search before posting...terminology seems to be the stumbling block there. Either ones inability to know what to search for, or what term may be used in another part of the world ( you say turnout...I say say layout...I say route. ).
Flaming is another matter altogether, unproductive under any circumstances.
Why do I stay? It's an addiction, a 50+ year habit that I'll never get enough of. I have beeen working on a route of my hometown, Memphis,TN since 2004. I thought I would be done long ago. Since it has the CN/IC ( my former employer), CSX,UP,NS, and BNSF all there I thought it would be a great route for merging. But, after 4 years, I'm not even halfway thru !
So, you knowledgable "old timers" have to suffer through my dumb questions! :confused:
My wife is defitnetly a Trainz widow !
Thanks for listening. Durff
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Heh Durff,
You have been working on a layout for some time! You are a long time member and should be aiming to publish your route for us all to enjoy........granted it may take some time to complete, but we are all interested to experience your creation.............feel free to upload your individual contribution.
I, personally havn't uploaded any content, but do respect the expertise of those who do!!

Best Regards,

Hi all,
A staright-forward post with genuine intent and subsequent content - lots of positive responses most of which have a feel to them of how 'we' would wish the Forum to be.....I am sure this is attainable provided everyone calms down and takes time to reflect.
New members are always welcome and are the way forward.........the future is most dependent on them........along with the oldies (me included).
There are more than enough members, new and old, to keep this Forum afloat.............and if Auran were to withdraw on the basis of financial issues, then we should respect that, be disappointed but understand that business sometimes calls upon special needs to preserve the core business.
I for one, cannot,,t thank Auran enough for developing Trainz software, whatever version, which has given me the opportunity to create model railway layouts so easily. As a real-world model railway builder, I can appreciate how much the software has saved me in real terms.
We have lost some leading lights....LANCE etc.ard now lack focus, perhaps we should re-group and get on wth things,
There are so many members who could take over that mantle and we should be actively looking at ways to achieve this - food for thought

Looking for some constructive comment along the lines of that currently received.