Indiana Western 2010


I Downloaded Indiana Western yesterday [409 Mb] using the download helper Only one dependency missing so quite pleased however the route doesnt apear anywhere. The title line, Indiana Western 2010, is missing. It does not appear in Routes, nor on the CM even when doing a scroll down under the ALL tab and it does not come up on a CM Search, so I cant use it. It did not appear either under the TODAY tab after being downloaded and a database repair following the download also failed to get it to show up. Anyone with any ideas what has happened and how to find it?
Also the missing dep. is M: UltraTreez-American Sycamore 02(B),<kuid2:72938:40128:1>

I have been onto the I-W 2010 thread but cant see any thing relating to my problem. Cheers

Try un-checking the FAVORITES ONLY tab on the top left corner of the routes menu, this is assuming that you are using Trainz 2010. I hope this helps!
I hate to say it, but you may need to do a database repair. I had a similar problem with several sessions. They did not appear at all in CM, Surveyor or Driver. It took an extended database repair to get them to get them back. Mcguirel's Sycamore should be on the DLS.
Masterowner- I dont use the favourites star. Mine is always left unchecked.
Ricke82- OK as you suggested I did another Extended Database repair but again to no avail. It stil didnt appear! Re the missing dep for the Mcguirels sycamore tree, I cna get ti off the DLS as it says it is already in CM [The laptop cicon is also up. However CM still says it is a missing dependency I have tried to committ it about a dozen times byut it just wont go. If I just delete it out of CM , what happens? Cheers

Edit: tried the missing dep for trees agian and got it this time. Now jsu the main title. Does it have its own Kuid that I missed?
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I'm sorry. A database repair corrected my problem. Does the Indiana Western appear in CM? If so, can you delete it (that should only delete the route, not the assets associated with it)? If you can, delete it and try downloading it again. Something in original download may have gotten corrupted. I wouldn't worry about the Sycamore at this point. There doesn't seem to be a problem with it, but even if there was it wouldn't keep the route from appearing.
Thanks Ricke82, but no It doesn,t appear in CM and thats been my problem but I know all the assets are there. Ive just been back to the DLS and downloaded it this time as a normal download i.e. without using Download Helper, saved it to a folder on C drive then imported it into CM. This time I have the title line but now about 8 missing dependencies
It still doesnt appear in routes but at least I now have it in CM.
Will have to wait a day or tso until I get some time to start looking for the deps. Cheers
I downloaded this route and had to make a few minor corrections. The only missing asset problem I had was missing crane truck <kuid:176028:29026. The Checkrail site has a link to dikobraz64 for this asset. The link downloaded the crane truck ok but the .cdp failed to open. I googled for it and found this site, Used Googles translate function to find and downloaded the crane truck .cdp. Imported and commited ok. I now have a clean installation of Indiana Western.

Just trying to help, you don't have to go off on me like that.
Masterowner- my apologies if my post gave you the impression that you thought I was 'going off' at you. That is not correct. While my explanation was brief, it was meant to be an acknowledgement of your advice, [instead of ignoring you] and to me, using a forum like this I try to keep posts as brief but as explicit as possible. I thought that the acknowlogement of your help would also carry an implicit thank you to you.
Sorry you were offended. It was not my intention. Different cultures perhaps
I downloaded this route and had to make a few minor corrections. The only missing asset problem I had was missing crane truck <kuid:176028:29026. The Checkrail site has a link to dikobraz64 for this asset. The link downloaded the crane truck ok but the .cdp failed to open. I googled for it and found this site, Used Googles translate function to find and downloaded the crane truck .cdp. Imported and commited ok. I now have a clean installation of Indiana Western.

Hi Bob. I am learning that missing dependencies seems to be consequent on the ones you already have attached to other assts in your Database on CM. I am missing 6 for I-W 2010. They are 72938:40260:1 and in the others in sequential order all with the same author are 60238:25002:1, 60238:26002;3, 60238:26122;1, 60238:26170:1, 60238:27149:2 I dont know what they are. A search in CM doent even turn up the author. Any ideas?
M: UltraTreez-Douglas Fir 01, Mature (S2 Freeware),<kuid2:72938:40260:1>
Clothes Hoist Ma Barker,<kuid2:60238:25002:3>
Navigation Buoy Green,<kuid2:60238:26122:1>
Oil Tank 6,<kuid2:60238:26170:1>
Water Tower 1,<kuid2:60238:27149:2>

60238:25002:1 is an obsolete kuid of Ma Barker

I went to the Ultra Treez site for the Douglas fir but its not a free ware site as it claims to be and wanted my credit card details to down load a 400Mb file for a few trees. The whole Indiana Western route lwas less than that. Something wrong here. Where did you find the Douglas trees file? Cheers
Quote: I went to the Ultra Treez site for the Douglas fir but its not a free ware site as it claims to be and wanted my credit card details to down load a 400Mb file for a few trees. The whole Indiana Western route lwas less than that. Something wrong here. Where did you find the Douglas trees file? Cheers

Nimec, there are as yet no freeware UltraTreez on the web-site, it is a payware site only. The freeware versions are on the DLS, just search for UltraTreez. Secondly, the file sizes are large because of the very special textures that are used to create the trees.
Quote: I went to the Ultra Treez site for the Douglas fir but its not a free ware site as it claims to be and wanted my credit card details to down load a 400Mb file for a few trees. The whole Indiana Western route lwas less than that. Something wrong here. Where did you find the Douglas trees file? Cheers

Nimec, there are as yet no freeware UltraTreez on the web-site, it is a payware site only. The freeware versions are on the DLS, just search for UltraTreez. Secondly, the file sizes are large because of the very special textures that are used to create the trees.

I never claimed all my products were Freeware, and can't be for many reasons. My prices are very competitive below what they should be considerably, and by far inexpensive when you consider the investment to make Legal SpeedTree. I have now went Private on all my creations as 5000 downloads of the Douglas Fir and 3 sales. My freeware on my siite is gone for good, and the site will have an end.
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