in trouble with AJS stations


New member

I am experiencing difficulties with the "AJS Invisible Station 1T 3.5" :
My trains do stop at the stations but they don't load passengers. :confused:

The train stops a few seconds, then Alastair keeps on driving until the end of the platform. Once there, he stops once again and that's all. But if I give him the same order again when he reaches the end of the platform, then he drives backwards, stops, and loads passengers.

I read the help included, tried different things like changing platform lengths or increasing the waiting time.. no way.

I called my route "Cerbere-Portbou" and I'm driving in TRS2004. I opened a thread in the French branchline, please have a look at it. The peculiar thing is that the route is located in the very border between France and Spain, so I have to deal with items from both countries. :D

Any help i would be greatful for.

did you issue the command "Drive to " Station
and then issue a "Load" or "unload" or "Terminate Train" command

drive to station plat 1
drive to ( next point )
did you issue the command "Drive to " Station
and then issue a "Load" or "unload" or "Terminate Train" command

drive to station plat 1
drive to ( next point )

Thx for your help Mike. The sequence I use is :

call at station plat 1
Thx Bob, but when I try a message is displaying :
"you do not have permission to access this page".
.. and however I am loged. :confused:
Yes Bob, I tried, but unfortunatelly I can't. I don't have the option to sign in again. Very strange.
Could you copy/paste the post and email it to me please ?

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I already sent the help desk a couple of mails two months ago for another pb... i'm still waiting for their reply :D
I'm so sorry to disturb but I'm afraid the mail is the only solution :)

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Hi Hawkwind
No problem so watch out for the post
I would suggest you remove you email address from your post above after you receive the details
Bob V
try looking at the "call at" rule. i had to use that with ajs stations and now they work great for me :-) if you need more help with this hawkwind contact me here and we can skype and i will help you to set them up. the tutorials can get confussing from andi06's site because they are out of date but his faq thread on here is kinda helpful. you can also group them together which allows for some great station arrangments :-)
It sounds like there might be some sort of conflict between the station and some other object on the map.

To rule things out I would suggest starting with a blank map, place a station in the middle and two lengths of track, no junctions and no signals.

Does the station then work correctly with the vehicles you are using? If it doesn't, try a different train. If it does then start adding things in until you get to the point where it stops working correctly.
try looking at the "call at" rule. i had to use that with ajs stations and now they work great for me :-) if you need more help with this hawkwind contact me here and we can skype and i will help you to set them up. the tutorials can get confussing from andi06's site because they are out of date but his faq thread on here is kinda helpful. you can also group them together which allows for some great station arrangments :-)

Great ! Many thx djelzy, I have to go now and I'll call you back as soon as I am home :D
It sounds like there might be some sort of conflict between the station and some other object on the map.

To rule things out I would suggest starting with a blank map, place a station in the middle and two lengths of track, no junctions and no signals.

Does the station then work correctly with the vehicles you are using? If it doesn't, try a different train. If it does then start adding things in until you get to the point where it stops working correctly.

Andi, nice to hear from you :D

What you are saying is very helpful. I tried to lay your stations in a blank map with the same consist, and it works fine.
You're right, I am going to go on laying things with your method.

I also noticed that I'm not completely experiencing this issue when I'm driving TRS2006. Consequently it seemed to me that the engine of TRS2004 was less powerful than TRS2006 to calculate all the routings, and I thought it could be a valuable reason :confused:

I hope I could find the "offending" object, because I nearly have all my terrain elevation done :( , and I absolutely want your stations to be in my map.. they are great !

Best regards :)

A couple of clues then:

Call-At and Drive-To use the same code 'under the hood'. Call-At just builds the menus differently - either command should work.

Whatever object is conflicting the cause will almost certainly be because its trigger zone overlaps the station's trigger zone. The station triggers all have 5 metre radii so you probably won't have to look very far out.

The object might be a junction, signal, trigger, trackmark or speedboard. but I would look first for an mocrossing, industry or buildable object with attached track located close to the station that is giving you problems.
try looking at the "call at" rule. i had to use that with ajs stations and now they work great for me :-) if you need more help with this hawkwind contact me here and we can skype and i will help you to set them up. the tutorials can get confussing from andi06's site because they are out of date but his faq thread on here is kinda helpful. you can also group them together which allows for some great station arrangments :-)

Thx again for your help proposal. Please read the next post because I think I found something..

A couple of clues then:

Call-At and Drive-To use the same code 'under the hood'. Call-At just builds the menus differently - either command should work.

Whatever object is conflicting the cause will almost certainly be because its trigger zone overlaps the station's trigger zone. The station triggers all have 5 metre radii so you probably won't have to look very far out.

The object might be a junction, signal, trigger, trackmark or speedboard. but I would look first for an mocrossing, industry or buildable object with attached track located close to the station that is giving you problems.

Andi :

I've been trying many things, and I first thought that some of my locos were on strike. But finally I realized, as you say in your second post, that I have a mocrossing after my station which could be the cause of this issue. So I deleted every single track, layed new ones, added the signals, and now everything works fine !!
The only thing I really changed is a dwarf signal after the mocrossing.

Thank you all guys for your knowledge and your patience.

Best Regards,