In Surveyor, the rail car arrows are incorrectly positioned.


Trainzing since 12-2003
In Surveyor/Session editor, the rail car arrows are positioned incorrectly with the red arrow pointing the same way as the green arrow and the green arrow is in the wrong position on the railcar. larger railcars have no issue with this.

Has anyone else seen this or reported it already?

2022-01-02 185031.jpg
Place small railcars or locomotives in Surveyor.

The small size meaning 2-axle coal wagons, small shunting locomotives, etc., Regular sized, meaning full-sized locomotives and railcars are fine as shown in the picture. I can repeat this and will upload a bug report since it wasn't reported already.

Happy 2022!

I ran an EDBR, and now the arrows are correct.

Magic things occur with an EDBR.