I'm leaving you, you cow!


Just kidding :hehe:

I expect the answer from the forum would have been: "shut the door on your way out, Padster"

I suspect a lot of the leavers will return. They always do. Many of them are like little butterflies, flitting from one thing to another.

I had a little butterfly land on me once. It was one of those Red Admiral jobbies and it was flying around the garden. I tried to see it through some binoculars but couldn't. I gave up and was despondent, when all of a sudden the little chap flew right onto my arm and stayed there for a few minutes. Well, the Auran forum is like my arm (..."what is this guy rambling on about?") and that butterfly is like a Trainzer (...."he's lost it") Sure, it flies round the garden but it always comes back. Well, not always. Sometimes maybe. Actually, I have never had one land on me since, so perhaps they never come back......:confused:

Best wishes,
I had a butterfly land on my hand once, as a child; I was fascinated! It was a Monarch Butterfly, and as I watched it slowly extended a needle like tube until it pierced my skin! I tried to shake him off my hand because it hurt like HELL, but he remained attached for a good three or four violent shakes.

Since then I've been aware of the secret agenda of butterflies, and to a large degree that knowledge has shaped me into what I am today: a nature abhorrent, glove wearing hermit!
It wasn't one of those butterflys(flies?) that flutters by then?
Personally I think a lot of the leavers are more like Grasshoppers,always leaping from one thing to another.Some of them do somewhat protract their leaving thread tho'.
regards Bruce
A bird

I was on a big parade once being inspected by Lord Mountbatten. As he approached me a bird landed on my shoulder. His Lordship arrived and must have startled it because it relieved itself and flew off. He thought it was funny...

I agree Padster. Most that claim to be leaving come back after a short time. It's almost like they think the community will crumble without them. That won't happen. Even if this forum went the way of the Dodos the community would still survive. It may shrink but it would just relocate to someplace like TPR. I really don't see the benefit of starting a thread saying your leaving just because your mad. Now if it was because of a physical limitation that won't allow you to continue then it's a different story. If I were to leave I just wouldn't come here anymore. Now I'm NOT saying that the ones leaving wouldn't be missed. Everyone would be missed to varying degrees depending on their contributions to the community.

Oh well enough rambling. On with the show in progress.

..snip.... Everyone would be missed to varying degrees depending on their contributions to the community. Bill

True, and some would be missed like a bad toothache !
I have always felt that members who posts " I'm leaving " , because their panties got twisted, are only looking for some sort of sympathy,
(of course those working on fall trees are an exception !) ?

My thoughts ---DLR
more to the point (and I bet this stings a few people) why make a song and dance and tell everyone if you are leaving anyway... just go! :D
I'm not really sure what the point is to tell everyone that you're leaving. Creating such a thread just seems anticlimatic:confused: It seems that some do it just to see what kind of reaction they'll get and others don't really leave, they just post less frequently.
Of course, in Euphod's case, he's just falling out of trees:cool:
I'm not really sure what the point is to tell everyone that you're leaving. Creating such a thread just seems anticlimatic:confused: It seems that some do it just to see what kind of reaction they'll get and others don't really leave, they just post less frequently.
Of course, in Euphod's case, he's just falling out of trees:cool:
Can't expect more when he goes out on a limb. I'm rooting for him anyway.:hehe:

You know what....... ? It is those Ladybeetles I can't stand. What with their Red back and black dots.

...... who am I kidding. I love em.

But I digress. I am staying as long as my better half lets me.

more to the point (and I bet this stings a few people) why make a song and dance and tell everyone if you are leaving anyway... just go! :D

Must admit, I don't mind the sincere leaving posts.

My interpretation of that is, someone posts that they are moving on in life (as happens) and they are simply saying a thanks and cheerio to everybody. Then they actually go. There's respect and thoughtfulness to such a gesture.

It's the dummy-spit leaving posts, where the poster lurks and trolls his/her own thread that is annoying. This is just the attitude of a spoilt brat throwing tantrum. More often than not they don't even leave, or have a week or two away at most.....until the next time they spit the dummy, and "leave."
more to the point (and I bet this stings a few people) why make a song and dance and tell everyone if you are leaving anyway... just go! :D

Stop reading my mind :hehe:
Exactly my thoughts on all these I'm leaving threads,
Who cares, shut the door on the way out.

My Two Bob.
