IBerTrainz Community Sampler

Always more great content from the IBerTrainz team, excellent work.

I love the idea on the "property" changes for the Rolling Stock in the previous post, an excellent idea.

We, at IBTZ work with (usually kind :hehe:) words, images and meshes...what a mess! :hehe:

Here you are! More words, images and meshes available to free download...







Hope you enjoy the show!

The messing side of Alberte :wave:
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Thank you so much, Craig and Casper!

BTW, :hehe: I think Casper's painter's ladder needs some wall supports... ;)

The balancing side of Alberte :wave:

And, as always, if you need something from us (trainz stuff or just some words) our welcoming home keeps being at


Take care, all of you our trainzy friends,

The shorter the better side of Alberte :wave:
Yes, our celebrated Iberia Interior 4 had faults and bald areas in TS2009 and TS2010. The real and fair fact is that we asked the then production team at Brisbane to correct them before releasing T10. Not very interested in that, according to the response I received from Brisbane by then.

Well, never mind. The built-in Iberia Interior 4 route is not quite OK -faulty if you like- in T9/T10, but the right time to welcome the corrected upgraded version has come:

Let's welcome IBERIA INTERIOR 2011!




Enjoy it!

The justice-making side of Alberte :wave:
Thank you Albert and the Iber Community for your contribution (downloadable contents)!!! :wave:

It's been a while -- been in the bat cave for a long time! LOL :hehe:

I got completely speechless when I saw this:eek: :) .... Over the years you have spoiled us with quality content Alberte..:) Thank you very much!

The 'spoiled' side of Jan:hehe: ....
Tusen hjertelig takk for innholdet. Never knew, but suspected Jan was Norwegian ^^ way to go Jan and Alberte, great content right there!
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On this occasion, Jan is the one to be 'blamed' for his mastery... :hehe:

:p We at IBTZ spoil our kind creators by taking care of their 'babies' and trying to enhance them with some visual impact. They deserve it.

Jan, you've just been sentenced to a thousand years at keeping making greenery for the community, you've been found guilty of 'mastery' :hehe:.

The judging side of Alberte :wave:
:p Posted on our IBTZ forum by Ibertrainzer eNe...

A beauty among beauties! ;)

The reporting side of Alberte :wave:
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Great work Alberte! :)

On behalf of all my dear mates (-really friends-) at the IBTZ Staff (-this is truly a choral work-): Thank you very much, Chris.

Martín López (kabeshimm), Saturnino Ortiz (saturexpress), Alberte Zato (zatovisualworks), Carles Sianes (persi111), Manuel Martínez (manweb) y Juan Luis González (edetrainz).

We are intending to keep things working fine from TRS2004 up, presenting honest and decent stuff for T10 too.

We are also very grateful to the great Andi Smith (andi06), who has gently supported and helped us with his trainzy wonder 'Superscript library'. He kindly has granted full permission to keep offering the TRS2004 up versions of his stuff. And that what will be doing to preserve his legacy, whereas he's upgrading his DLS stuff to T9 and higher standards.

The Civia was made as per TRS2006 and works wonderfully in TRS2004. We usually type trainz-build 2.4 on the config.txt. That's our intention for the future. We don't care much for the hyperworshipped native mode at all -we at IBTZ prefer the aborigine mode best :hehe:-. But we always test our models for T2010 for keeping them clean and tidy, and this one runs beautifully fine there but "as is" - that in our ibertrainzy language means "take or leave it, but first test it"-. :hehe:

Wish everybody (yes, everybody :p) a nice Sunday.

The most aboriginal side of Alberte :wave:

Side note: If someone has any problem when running our models, please, don't hesitate and contact us. The only language we can't speak is 'Bad-Mannerish" :hehe:.
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Looks great Alberte. Yet another solid release from IBTZ. :cool:

Could I be a pest and ask about the KUID/location of the tracks in those shots?


Gisa ^^