I need help again..


New member
My caboose in almost done i just can't export it. If someone could do that for it it would be great. It keeps saying missing mesh,then says exporting failed.

Please PM me or IM me on AIM.
this the error we keep gettin, PLEASE help.

Wheres the nuke button now???

Does Vista support one?

forgot to mention that GMAX says this error upon attempting to export the caboose about um a HALF MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!:'( :'(

This error message is telliny you that the object Arc14 does not have a texture assigned to it.

In Gmax, press H to obtain a list of objects and select Arc14, then select the modify tab and ensure that a texture has both been applied and uv-unwrapped to it!

If you are uncertain, it is best to go to the utilities menu and remove the uv mapping and then the texture - go back to the modify panel and re-apply the texture and uv mapping. This will correct the error.

Arc14 is likely the cupala roof from what I can see in your snap shot.

Hope this helps.

One of the objects making up your model is named "Arc14" and it was never textured. Texture that object and the error message will disappear.
By the way, this thread should have been started in the Content Creation Forum.
well, yes i did that and now it has a fresh new batch of "Ignoring Mesh:no faces for mesh Line--" errors,

PLEASE help, thanks
Can someoen do this for me, because we have tried and it ins't working. I am new to gmax, but i might just give up on this.....
If you are new to gmax I recommend you begin by doing some tutorials produced by others who spent the weeks and months required to learn how to use this program and wrote those tutorials. Most of us had to learn gmax this way. I suggest you start with simple projects available from the Auran Learning Centre.

I and other modelers consider the tutorial found here to be the best all around gmax tutorial available: http://www.tafweb-trainz.co.uk/tutorial_bank_1.html

Asking others to do the work fou you will not help you learn!
you are 100% right sir, thank you for your reply we are just caught up in getting this released. I have almost no further plans to extend my time with GMAX in the future, once this is released.

Mingo M.
I have never asked for help with tackling any problem, usually I work it out myself, but that takes time.

The young uns here, learning GMAX are impatient, so they should be.

Most of the tutorials leave a little to be desired.

All remember this is a free bit of softwre with a lot of problems, but most can be resolved, to produce great content for you freeware guys.
I have had a quick look.

Scrap it and start again !!!

1. Rotate the caboose so that the front faces Down not 15% to the left

2. Centre the object at 0,0,0

3. Raise object the height of the bogies

4. Add the attachment points a.limfront etc

5. Add textures to the model

6. You cant have lines and arcs, they have to be 3D bits

Dont be dissapointed, just listen to what I say, I looked at this before, and told you to line up the model.

It is usually created in the top view, as boxes, cylinders etc. Look at the tutorials again, and start over.
As you progress, post screenies and we can advise

Glad you arnt too dissappointed, just get down to it and come up with a good model, we will help all we can.