I am Charlie....

Je suis Charlie. Freedom of Speech, and of the press, should always trump radical and extremist prejudices. I hope the Police Nationale and the Gendarmerie have a better day in the not too distant future.... Unfortunately I'm honestly afraid of these three men turning up in Syria or Iraq in the next few months, which will only make this kind of thing a sustainable exercise in the minds of every radical that ever entertained the thought of killing someone simply for what they say or believe.

Hi everybody.
presidents and prime ministers from all over the world have gathered in Paris today to march and demonstrate with Millions of French people and others throughout Europe in support of free speech, a free Media and free values. As they march not without risk to themselves, let us all look to France at the end of this Nations terrible week and shout "je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie)

In a darkening world a symbol of light we must all hold dear

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I don't support either acts of extremism.

The extremism that results in deaths or the extremism that seeks to offend merely because it has the right to do so.

[h=3]Article 1.[/h]
  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Hundreds killed in Nigeria by terrorists versus the Paris killings. Hypocrisy. The value of life is unfortunately on a very tilted scale!
First world vs third world. We know where the media lies.

Je suis Charlie. Gosh I am sick of these crazies tarring their entire religion in a bad light
Hi everybody.
Hundreds killed in Nigeria by terrorists versus the Paris killings. Hypocrisy. The value of life is unfortunately on a very tilted scale!

Boleyd, I have every respect for your above posting and undoubtedly the strength of your feeling on the Nigerian outrage. Latest figures for that atrocity are advising that over 2000 people being men, women, and children have been mercilessly slaughtered in a single town in the name of this so-called Muslim prophet.

However, I do not believe there is any hypocrisy between what happened in Nigeria and last week’s events in Paris. In Nigeria the actions of the terrorists are in the form of a straightforward ongoing campaign to take over the government of the country (or if not a large section of it) and create yet another fundamentalist Islamic state devoid of any freedoms of any kind within its population.

In France these same fundamentalist cannot hope to achieve the overthrow of the government as in Nigeria. Instead they carry out a brutal attack on the free press in the hope they can terrorise and subjugate members of that press into conformity of non-criticism or even comment regarding a hard line section of society and its beliefs.

Those hoping to raise evermore Moslem fundamentalist states throughout the world realise that the only place where organised opposition to their actions could be brought forward from is by way of Europe and America. Therefore if you can subjugate the press in those continents from wholehearted criticism of the fundamentalist actions they believe their objectives will be more easily achieved.

At the moment these terrorists/fundamentalist have underestimated public reaction to their atrocities with over 4 million people and their political leaders marching throughout Europe over the weekend and 5 million copies of “Charlie” sold today in France (and still printing). Perhaps this will be a conflict not won by military action but through the hearts and minds of free thinking people throughout the world all holding the same set of values as long as we all continue to stand together.

boleyd, even before i seen your posting today we had sent an email similar to the above to the BBC this morning with the names of all 17 members of our office staff printed at the bottom. Companies and Internet forums whatever their interests all over Europe are doing similar things (even the football forum I visit) perhaps you and others you know could do similar.

I am Charlie, i am Nigeria
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Hi everybody.
presidents and prime ministers from all over the world have gathered in Paris today to march and demonstrate with Millions of French people and others throughout Europe in support of free speech, a free Media and free values. As they march not without risk to themselves, let us all look to France at the end of this Nations terrible week and shout "je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie)

In a darkening world a symbol of light we must all hold dear


Not quite from all over the world: The President of the United States was a no show nor did he send any high ranking official. Words cannot express the humiliation and embarrassment this administration has inflicted on me and my country. Forgive us.

"je suis Charlie"
When a group of people start up a propaganda newspaper, dedicated directly against Islam, poking fun of Muslims ... What would you expect would eventually happen, to cartoonists posting blasphemy and constant insults against a religion, depicting their GOD and Prophet in a pornographic pose ? This one drawn by "Coco" one of the executed cartoonists: (link to inappropriate (pornographic) material removed)
The Hebdo cartoon office had one bombing previously, and they were under constant police protection from constant death threats ... Do you think they had gone too far, and were purposely, repeatedly striking a very sensitive nerve, purposely pouring salt into the wounds of Muslims ?
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I think that there is a difference between muslims and extremist muslims.

So it is better to talk about extremists in stead of muslims.
The muslims in our country don't want this , they are living here for some peace - work - familylife .
Not quite from all over the world: The President of the United States was a no show nor did he send any high ranking official. Words cannot express the humiliation and embarrassment this administration has inflicted on me and my country. Forgive us.

"je suis Charlie"

Easily forgiven. But no so the idiot in Fox news who thought my home city (Birmingham) is 100% Muslim. Never heard such ridiculous nonsense from one who is supposed to be an intelligence expert.
Hi Everybody.
Not quite from all over the world: The President of the United States was a no show nor did he send any high ranking official. Words cannot express the humiliation and embarrassment this administration has inflicted on me and my country. Forgive us.

"je suis Charlie"

Jkinzel, I would repeat what AntonyVW graciously stated in that there is nothing to forgive regarding the attendance of United States officials at Sunday’s Paris march. As he also stated the comments of the so-called “intelligence expert” regarding Moslem predominance in Birmingham UK did make a few toes curl up when reading that in quite a few areas of that city. What did however make the headlines alongside the Paris atrocities was the closure of two more United States air bases here in Britain. Since 1945 the world has always been a much safer place when the two Democratic parts of those continents were strongly linked.

Regarding the Paris atrocities, there is always one special word in any democracy which makes the whole thing hang together, that word being “TOLERANCE”. The Charlie publication did not just take the “Mickey” out of the Prophet or the Moslem religion, it took the Mickey out of all religions, politicians, Royal families, presidents and other organisations equally.

Like many from my generation I am a basic Christian (Church of England) not always attending church on a regular basis but always endeavouring to attend at Christmas, Easter and other special days associated with my own and my wife’s anniversary dates in our lives. We therefore subscribe to the basic beliefs and values of the Christian church but within that we do not ask or demand that others should also subscribe to those values.

Many media and press publications including the Charlie magazine have throughout my lifetime ridiculed the Christian church for its pomposity and various scandals which have ensnared it often deservedly so. To see leading figures in the church degraded and made into cartoons can hurt and be offensive. However, in a democracy you accept the foregoing with “tolerance” for that is the basis of a free society where everyone is entitled to their view and the right to express it within the legal limitations of that democracy.

In 1620 a group of Christians found their religious life so intolerable in Britain they left these shores and sailed to north America founding that great free society we see today. They became known as the Pilgrim Fathers. I do not understand why this small fundamentalist minority within the Muslim faith so offended by our democratic values do not carry out a similar migration to countries whose governments hold a Muslim religious interpretation more in line with their own. Surely states such as Iran, Sudan or Saudi Arabia would only be too happy to give such devout persons sanctuary and a more tolerable home.

I am Charlie, I am Nigeria
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Easily forgiven. But no so the idiot in Fox news who thought my home city (Birmingham) is 100% Muslim. Never heard such ridiculous nonsense from one who is supposed to be an intelligence expert.

"Fox news" is an Oxymoron IMHO.... More like "Fox Opinion".... You want news, almost any other "News Outlet" carries more factual news airtime....

Thought you were pro-United States and Bill of Rights and what not? So we're only allowed to have a free press as long as they don't offend anyone? Well, I guess we can scratch Christmas & Hanukkah off the calendar right now, and might as well write the holocaust out of all our history books while were at it since these are topics that seem to offend so many people..... Oh yea, and either Birmingham is 100% Muslim or maybe someone should go blow up Fox News while were at it since that comment offended someone?.....

Point being, blaming the victims of a tragedy (Any tragedy really, though this one in particular), particularly when you're a person living in a society based on the ideologies of "Freedom of Speech and of the Press", seems a bit much.....

"Fox news" is an Oxymoron IMHO.... More like "Fox Opinion".... You want news, almost any other "News Outlet" carries more factual news airtime....

They're quite a bit better than that garbage we call CNN, NBC, CBS, NY Times, etc. They sure take a lot of "creative liberties", and each pretty much reports the same nonsense.
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I feel that the French style of emotion is unfortunately something else and acting as if the worst thing that has happened in modern times with islamic terrorism. London had dozens more and so has Nigeria and the USA over 3,000 in one day so why France should think itself the No 1 is an oddity. Personally like wholbr i am a member of my national Kirk here in Scotland (which is Presbyterian) but I do not find it easy to accept that a Godly religion can be founded by a "prophet" who married a 7-year old girl and we all know what that entailst entails and maybe small wonder there is a special plenitude of child sex gangs in England. There are of course plenty of moderate Muslims around but everywhere in the West, Islam increases so too does the terror lot and in one poll here inGtt Britain 25% of young mulsims had a soft view of the terror lot. Trying to balance Islam with democracy is neither automatic nor easy. France tried to have everyone French but that hasn't been as they may have wanted. Here in Britain multi-culturism hasn't worked either and even the head of the expensive government Equality Commission agreed. instead what we have got and heavily down in England are apartheid situations and still a spiritual growth industry.Islam does not sit comfortably with democracy at all acrossd the world and in the West tolerates it while it is still a minority (but not for long). The excuse for militancy is poltical stances of nations regarding the Middle East, etc instead of having the intelligence of using democratic process.

The French President isn't much of a leader as it happens and decimated the country's economic base and there he was saying they were all French and must stick together but barred a large party that came 3rd in the last Presidential and controls local authorities across the country! In accordance with traditional French emotional aspects the going overboard with the latest Charlie magazine is hardly much help. I know although no supporter of Islam that they object to pictures of their "prophet" but at one time in history such were produced! That Charlie has got digs at all religions and politics is a tradition but today I discovered that one of the founders of the magazine has come out critically saying it spends too much time on Islam. By the end of this century here in europe there will be an even more catastrophic future and our prent history will be just that - history.