How Would This Older Computer Setup Rank?


Routelayer Ordinaire...
Hey All,

Just a quick question of sorts for you and please be honest. How would you rank my current computer in terms of it's relative strength and ability to perform? I partially upgraded it over a year ago but I ask this because I'm working on a route that slows down a bit around the major terminal (I've used as much low poly items as possible and I want to be able to run about 20 or so trains on the map at one time) and I'm wondering if it would be performance acceptable for those with newer computers.

As a sidenote, it'd be neat to have something to compare to as a standard and then, to be able to see how fast our computers are being outpaced and where they rank with the average computer. :D

Here are my specs:
windows 2000, AMD 3200 GHz ~ 2.0 GHz, 1024 MB of RAM with a nVidia GEforce 7600 GT.

Yes I plan on doing a major upgrade sometime this year! :hehe: What would be the most cost effective upgrades I could do?

Still, please give me a ranking, say...out of 10, where 1 is the slowest and 10 is the fastest.

Input as always, is appreciated!


Gisa ^^
The system sounds like a 5 or 6 to me as it is, perfect for everyday usage.

The most cost-effective updates I can think of would be getting 2GB of DDR2 RAM (may need motherboard upgrade), and getting a dual/quad core processor. This dual/quad core processor thing is a point of discussion at the moment, but it will all make sense when programs are written to use them. A good graphics card is also a must. I have gone for an inno3D 8500 series, which has handled trainz very well.
Thanks for the reply gents! Interesting information in that other thread...I figure I'll have to upgrade to at least win XP because most games that come out now will only work for XP or Vista...

As for my video card (256 MB), I know it's not the newest but I still think it's average to good, but the times they are a changin...:hehe:

I think the dual/quad core route will be the way to go, but at this rate, perhaps I should just upgrade next year (I'd go with a dual core as a quad core is unnecessary for about 90% of the population at this point and when it does become more useful, I'll be needing to upgrade again anyhow).

Keep the input coming trainzers, maybe this thread will get interesting...:cool:

Gisa ^^
The system sounds like a 5 or 6 to me as it is, perfect for everyday usage.

The most cost-effective updates I can think of would be getting 2GB of DDR2 RAM (may need motherboard upgrade), and getting a dual/quad core processor. This dual/quad core processor thing is a point of discussion at the moment, but it will all make sense when programs are written to use them. A good graphics card is also a must. I have gone for an inno3D 8500 series, which has handled trainz very well.

So you are suggesting upgrading to a dual or quad cpu system just in case Trainz will be able to use them in the future?

Why not suggest 8 gigs of RAM and 64 bit Vista in case Trainz will be able to use them in the future?

The 8 gigs of RAM by the way would lower disk access so might even work with today's version of Trainz.

Cheerio John
I'm not suggesting that major outlays are necessary, and anyway, dual-core CPUs do help now, in that they give a separate core each for trainz and windows, rather like a separate hard drive for trainz. Anyway, dual cores generally have better onboard memory (cache) than single cores.
The dual cores would be an interesting thing to invest in...I'm running the custom nVidia drivers for my 7600GT and I think it performs better in Trainz but it seems to have lost some multitasking abilities as a trade off and I really notice that when I'm running msn, T.O. and '04 at the same time. :(


Gisa ^^
I started with Trainz a while back with a 450MHz K6-2, about 184 or so meg of RAM and a Voodoo 3 16meg video card.
My current system (see below) is SO much better. But it is getting rather obsolecent. Perhaps a new system by the end of the year when Duke Nukem (takes) Forever comes out.:hehe: