How to transfer assets to another machine


New member
I have Trainz 2006 on my computer. My grandson has been using it for the last year and has downloaded several assets and other items from the download station. He has also saved several of his layouts on my machine. For Christmas, I purchased a copy of Trainz 2006 and gave it to him as a gift. He has it installed on his computer. He doesn't have access to the Internet on his machine. I would like to copy the items he's downloaded on my machine, as well as his layouts etc., to a CD and paste them onto his machine.

They're several miles apart.
I would think that I should be able to copy the files from the folders on my machine to his machine, if I knew which folders contained what I need.

You should be able with CMP to export all d/loaded stuff as .cdp files (read up in its docs of how to do it) and copy these to a CD/DVD/flashdrive etc. and import them into the other PC. For TRS 2006 only. I have TRS 2006 on my PC but I rarely use it, hence my "vague" instructions.

With TRS 2004 you just copy its world folder across to use it on another PC.


An alternative to saving the files to CDPs is to copy the local directory to DVDs or over CDs (depending upon the size of the directory).

Once you give your copy of the Local directory to your grandson, he can then import the assets into his copy of TRS2006. He will then have to select them all once, they've imported, which can take a long time depending upon the number, and commit them to the CMP database.

I used this process when I built a new machine. I saved my local directory to another hard drive, and then imported it into my new copy of Trainz installed on my new system.

You can get Portable Mini Hard Drives.I bought my 40 Gb one for £69 and it did the job well instead of a Network Cable which would be about £20 and practically useless once you"d done the job.To use a Network Cable you still need Network Cards on both PCs.
Thanks for all the help.

I think I understand the "How" part, it was the "What" that was my problem.

I looked at Content Manager and found under "file" the import CDP files but I can't find anywhere to export the files.

I'll give these suggestions a try.

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You export the file by right clicking on an asset in CMP and choosing Save to CDP. That will open up a dialogue box asking what to name the .cdp and where. I have to write them to a tmp folder then write the folder to DVD. If you open the TRS2006 folder, find the local folder and copy that to a CD or DVD, you can then copy that directly to your grandson's TRS2006 directory. Delete the assets.tdx file and and assets.backup. Run TRS2006 and wait while it rebuilds the assets file.