How to place diesel fueling and sanding industry


New member
G'day all,
I am not sure whether I am doing it wrong but when I try to place the "filling fuel & sand" industry (the diesel fueling point) and then try to connect the tracks at each end, I end up with a gap between the fuel spot and the sand spot.
Is this "industry" asset different to the "multiple industry" assets - how do you connect track to it?
My diesels fall into the hole between the two spots and I cannot put a section of track in-between.
Are you meant to just place this asset onto the track rather than connect tracks at each end like multiple industries?
Cheers Geoff
What happens when you try to put a section of track in-between? I am thinking there has to be as they probably won't connect to each other.
Hi Forester,
I begin with a gap in my track to put the asset in, place the asset, and then reconnect the main pieces of track back to the outside ends of the asset, which changes the asset's track to my current style, this seems to be OK.
I then try to place another piece of track between the asset's two now separated tracks but it won't let me connect my extra piece of track to the second piece of asset track, the program says "incompatible spline". Maybe you have to make the new connection to the outsides instead?
If I try to place the asset on top of the existing track, it seems to be a different gauge and doesn't "lock in", maybe it isn't standard gauge?
Hi Forester,
I begin with a gap in my track to put the asset in, place the asset, and then reconnect the main pieces of track back to the outside ends of the asset, which changes the asset's track to my current style, this seems to be OK.
I then try to place another piece of track between the asset's two now separated tracks but it won't let me connect my extra piece of track to the second piece of asset track, the program says "incompatible spline". Maybe you have to make the new connection to the outsides instead?
If I try to place the asset on top of the existing track, it seems to be a different gauge and doesn't "lock in", maybe it isn't standard gauge?
Instead of using one section of track to bridge the gap, use two. Trainz considers an asset's two separated tracks as one piece of track. When you are trying to connect the assets two sections Trainz uses the same rule that does not allow you to connect two tracks together at both ends.
Thanks Forester,
I think that solved the first problem with the track but now how do I fill a diesel locomotive with fuel and sand?
I stopped next to the asset and waited, even ctrl + right-clicked but nothing.
I have the commodity labels turned on so I can see whether anything happens. The filling fuel and sand asset shows that it has plenty of fuel and sand but how do you get the loco to take it?
Is there a trick to this like for other cars (does it need to be below a certain percentage?)
not ever locomotive will take fuel water sand, also make sure if it does the industry has the same type as the locomotive.