How to install multiple (+400) cdp files automatically?


New member
Hi all,

i've downloaded quite a large number (+400) CDP files.. is there anyway to speed up the install process of each? I've tried using trainzobjects and point it to the folder where they are, but trainzobjects still asks me if i'd like to process each and every file or not.

Thanks for any help
Hi Steve,,,,,,Well I dont know wether its the same in 2004 but in 2006, in manage content in the file menu load cdps go to the folder that has the cdps, click on the top one, hold down shift and then click on the bottom one or a bit further up if you want.then click ok and it should do them all but dont to forget to select them all when there in and commit them.
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Hi Casel, is that within Content Manager? If so then I don't think I can use that with trainz 2004.

What i've tried so far is starting TrainzObjectz then going to the Menu -> Dispatcher Files -> Install .cdp files...

I then point to the folder where they are and press ok, then after each cdp file it asks me if i'd like to process the file and have to click on Ok.

Any other suggestions?
If you open the folder with the cdp's in and highlite them all right click and select open they will all open but you will still have to click the ok and install for each one. Dont think you will find any other way.
I thought TO had an automatic feature that allowed multiple CDPs to be input at one blow. When you select them, you get a warning to "not use the mouse until all the CDPs are input", then after you click OK they all get input. I know I've done this and haven't had to click OK for each individual file.

Hi 2stepsteve, there is a little program to do this but I am not exactly sure of the name. It will work with 2004 and does exactly what your after. I am not sure of the name but I have one on my computer somewhere and I am sure it is on a Trainz site somewhere.

If I see it somewhere I will let you know where to get it.

Oh yea TO will not do this for you.


Edit: I am not quite sure but I think this file is the one you need. You can use it to point to a folder with CDP's and it will install ALL of them. Worth a try anyway, here is the site and file name;

Trainz Downloader Pro

Hope this helps, it refers to use on the DLS station but I think it will work for you.

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I just checked on this, and don't want to be argumentative, but...... In TO, go to the lower right Menu and choose the path to Install CDP files...

When you point the dialog box to the folder with all the CDPs to install, click OK. TO will then pop up a box listing all the CDP files it found. If there is a checkmark in the box to the left of each entry, then all these will be installed automatically without you having to do anything.

Once you click OK, you never have to touch the mouse again until all of them are input (except to dismiss the box telling you not to touch the mouse or keyboard until TO is done).

Occasionally, TO will appear to have "forgotten" a couple of the CDP files, but, the dialog box that is presented after all have been input will usually show XX of XX input, catching all of them. If any remain on the process bar, open them and either cancel them or go ahead and process them. TO has already done them anyway.

I just input 54 CDP files in one swoop.

I just checked on this, and don't want to be argumentative, but...... In TO, go to the lower right Menu and choose the path to Install CDP files...

When you point the dialog box to the folder with all the CDPs to install, click OK. TO will then pop up a box listing all the CDP files it found. If there is a checkmark in the box to the left of each entry, then all these will be installed automatically without you having to do anything.

Once you click OK, you never have to touch the mouse again until all of them are input (except to dismiss the box telling you not to touch the mouse or keyboard until TO is done).

Occasionally, TO will appear to have "forgotten" a couple of the CDP files, but, the dialog box that is presented after all have been input will usually show XX of XX input, catching all of them. If any remain on the process bar, open them and either cancel them or go ahead and process them. TO has already done them anyway.

I just input 54 CDP files in one swoop.

Thanks for that Bill. I was one of the Beta testers for Tafweb on the latest version but did not know about this one. Actually I found a few features I have never known about duing the testing.

Razorback Railways distributes a program called Trainz Agent, a supplement download helper for transfer from the Auran FTP server. It has the option to automatically install all downloaded CDP's. Since you already have yours, you could place them into a download directory and point Trainz Agent to it, then have it install everything in the directory. The link to Trainz Agent is:
Trainzobjectz mass install works as described above. The trouble is that if you have a large number of installed assets already, it can take ages to get T.O. up and running.

Trainz Agent's mass install function is not bad and you can load T.A. quickly anytime. However, it still requires you to press Enter to extract each CDP (or basically just keep your finger on the Enter button and be prepared to use the mouse if the process freezes).

The program I use is called 'Trainz CDP Batcher' by Jelte. It loads quickly becaue it's independent of your assets collection and it does a genuine 1-click multiple-install of CDP's. It requires that you have Windows .NET framework. Only trouble is, I can't find where you can download it from now. Jelte's site is not functional any longer. It's not amongst the software available from the GAURC site. :(
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ATT>> 2stepsteve...........I have a zipped copy of CDPBatcherInstaller it is 193kb. If you want to do a 2step,send me a private email I will send it to you no problems.:hehe:

I downloaded it before Jelte went offline for the love of his life.
If any body wants to put it on their WEB site I am only too happy to send it over.
Bless y'all
I used CDP Batcher too, when I had 2004, and what an excellent tool it was too. Unfortunately I lost it in upgrading to 2006. Would love to have it back at it is the thought of manually installing several hundred CDP that is putting me off re-installing 2004.

ATTENTION IanEllel.......... You have email.

It certainly is a great little program. just installed 120CDPs in a bit under 10 seconds. That's pretty quick in my books.
Bless ya
ATTENTION Dinorius_Redundicus.......... I have just emailed
CDP BatchInstaller and another file called....... TrainzConfigEditorInstaller to RGoodell the owner of the GAURC site and it is now up yo him if they upload them or not.
Bless ya
Hi Dinorius_Redundicus, I don't think jelte would mind. He has other things to occupy him these days I guess. When the lady says jump, us guys say "how high dear":'(