How should I Save a Route and keep the Origional KUID?


33 Year Old Railfan
Here's my problem:
I use the 'Save as' feature to save my routes, which means every time I save it, it gets a new KUID every time. However, this results in having to manually add a thumbnail every time. Because of this, is there a way I can save my routes without resulting in the route having a new KUID every time?
Thanks Shane, I'll try to remember that when I save the route I'm working on tonight.
Oh, one more thing, should I also use the 'delete missing assets' feature when saving it? I've found that you shouldn't use that feature when making sessions, as that will result in Trainz asking to save the session along with a new route.
When I go to save the route using the 'Save' option, the option 'Overwrite Existing Session' is not an available option. How do I get this option to be available to me?
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It will only show overwrite existing session if a session has been saved with the route earlier. Some alterations to a route effect the session that gets created automatically with the route. Every time you saved as the route got a new kuid and a new default session. If you use save it will overwrite the route and session that was created on your last visit to the route. Delete missing assets does not need to be used when saving, this is used when you import a new route and it may have assets that you don't have because they may not be available anymore.