Stage one: Learn enough HTML to create simple web pages. You can do this entirely on your own computer, editing your htm files in Notepad and viewing them in your normal browser. Various more sophisticated methods are also available, for example using an HTML editor program on your computer or a CMS (Content Management System) on a web hosting server. Pick whichever method you feel happiest with.
Stage two: Find a server on which to put your htm files. Your ISP may provide a small amount of free web space, or you may prefer to purchase web hosting from a separate company in which case you'll also need to register a domain name for your site.
Stage three: Get an FTP program such as FileZilla and upload your htm files to the server.
If you plan to give away the files for free then the downloading bit is easy, just put in normal HTML links to the files. They can be cdp files or you can package them as exe's or zips or whatever. Be sure that you have formal permission from other creators if you include their work in your offerings.
If you plan to sell the files then you'll need to set up some type of ecommerce and payment system, and protect access to the files somehow.
If you opt for a separate webhosting company then you might also want to set up a forum. Most of the popular webhosting companies offer a forum system and a bunch of other server software as part of their packages.
That's it in a nutshell but obviously each stage will take quite a bit of effort to learn. A bit of researching with Google and Wikipedia should enable you to discover tutorial material on each aspect of the operation.
HTH, John