how do i set up my contacts list? is doesnt work


Xfire,steam: gerbile3
yes i posted behind 1 or 2 threads, but i hav a title habit that makes ppl pass it like some other threads


ive put the login things into the options screen b4 u start up trs 2006

when i go on a driver session the chat option thign is there, but it says im offline.

how do i fix this?


I've never been able to get that to work. supposibly you enter ther persons UID into the grey box at theottom of the window, and hit enter.

Did you...

Go to Route Rules and add online chat and make sure your on-line click Trainz Ex-change and log-on there if you are or go to main menu and click settings and add your info there to and don't forget the rule in the route.