How About a Model T car.....any suggestoins?
I received such nice help yesterday, i will chance it again today for a Model T car, working on adding enhancmeents and updating the early 2004 Rollins Pass route from 1919, and they had a few cars back then, not many. Any suggestions for a good quality well textured Model A? does not need to be moving, a static is fine, and I can retexture as well but would love to find who makes the good vehicle models. Actually just the name of good modellers in Trainz who made early Model A and Model T vehicles would be great i can do the leg work. Really appreciate the ready and kind help here. very nice. Cheers and thanks.
I received such nice help yesterday, i will chance it again today for a Model T car, working on adding enhancmeents and updating the early 2004 Rollins Pass route from 1919, and they had a few cars back then, not many. Any suggestions for a good quality well textured Model A? does not need to be moving, a static is fine, and I can retexture as well but would love to find who makes the good vehicle models. Actually just the name of good modellers in Trainz who made early Model A and Model T vehicles would be great i can do the leg work. Really appreciate the ready and kind help here. very nice. Cheers and thanks.
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