How About a Model A ?


RR Mod Maker
How About a Model T car.....any suggestoins?

I received such nice help yesterday, i will chance it again today for a Model T car, working on adding enhancmeents and updating the early 2004 Rollins Pass route from 1919, and they had a few cars back then, not many. Any suggestions for a good quality well textured Model A? does not need to be moving, a static is fine, and I can retexture as well but would love to find who makes the good vehicle models. Actually just the name of good modellers in Trainz who made early Model A and Model T vehicles would be great i can do the leg work. Really appreciate the ready and kind help here. very nice. Cheers and thanks.
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thank you very much. ..., the trick is to know who does good work and to seek out their stuff. Since that is sometimes hidden behind the makers name and not the model description it helps a lot to have any hints but i am a good goofer once i get a lead thanks again for help. Model T cars and trucks were everywhere and I hope to find a couple nice ones.

I am working thru the Vehicle section and found Jay Holland made some very nice 1930s British autos, i am hopeful he may have done some earlier ones...or others of that quality. very nice indeed. MSGSapper has made some very nice vehicles including delivery trucks from 1939,...very well nice as well.

UPDATE : i found the Model Ts for 2004

by jopasch with the name of JPS-trainz.

Originally by Whecsailor and reskinned by jospasch

they are mostly Police cars but i can re texture them.

Ford Police T1

Ford Police 3 jopasch
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Those are Whecsailor's cars; also available on the DLS. Togog also did a nice series of model T's; look under (I think) 'ford t' on the DLS.
Thanks Pen, much appreciate that. I was finally able to download all of your things from your fine site, thanks so much for sharing so much great content. Each and every thing you had looks fantastic and very much in line with my interests and focus. Wonderful to have to work with. I do appreciate that tip about Togog, digging thru the files the 5000 entries gave me a real appreciate of the huge effort that has been made here, truly staggering how many things I had planned to have to do for MSTS already exist here, including moving horses! thanks again.