HI all, so I'm making progress, but I've got a scaling problem.


2 steps forward then 1 step back. In blender my station building measures just over 90Ft as it should. Unwrapping, Materials, textures all done. I've used the PBR export option to export and it does the job, but in TRS22 the building is larger than a baseboard, ooof, call Scooby Doo.
I tried using the file, export, export as FBX (Settings and scale all correct) option previously but the 3D Viewer wont load it. It does load it with the Pbr Export option but the scale is wrong. How do I correct this issue please. Thanks in advance.
Where do I change it to. The units scale?
Blender itself has an option to show measurements in imperial or metric. You can find it in Blender's Properties->Units section.
Each mesh object has a scaling factor and I suggest its a good idea to reset the scaling in Object mode, Ctrl A, Rotation and Scale. If you don't do that then it can mess up your UV mapping by distorting ngons. It can also mess up animation.
Then there is the FBX export option. As Whitepass said, you need to set that to 1 otherwise your model will be huge. I use these settings:
Scale - 1.00
Apply Scalings - FBX All
Forward - Y Forward
Up - Z Up.

Do yourself a favour and save your export settings as a preset.
Blender itself has an option to show measurements in imperial or metric. You can find it in Blender's Properties->Units section.
Each mesh object has a scaling factor and I suggest its a good idea to reset the scaling in Object mode, Ctrl A, Rotation and Scale. If you don't do that then it can mess up your UV mapping by distorting ngons. It can also mess up animation.
Then there is the FBX export option. As Whitepass said, you need to set that to 1 otherwise your model will be huge. I use these settings:
Scale - 1.00
Apply Scalings - FBX All
Forward - Y Forward
Up - Z Up.

Do yourself a favour and save your export settings as a preset.
I've tried all that but its still huge in the game, 2 item's went into the game the correct size but I don't know what I done differently.
As pcas1986 indicated, you will have to adjust the Units in Blender, in addition to applying Rotation & Scale to the meshes after any modification and before exporting ... it would be the only reason why that could happen to in Trainz.