New member
Hi all
I am about to become a Trainz owner having just purchased the whole collection from the Auran online shop. While I wait for my packages to arrive, I'll tell you why I am here.
I am an active model railroader who model the Appalachian region in the late 1940's, in HO scale - coal country. My little railroad is called The Roaring Fork & Western. I decided to buy Trainz so I can create my model railroad in it and operate it as I would the "real" thing. I also have 3 other track plans I want to eventually incorporate into trains. These are the ones I never did build.
I do have a couple of questions if I may.
3 of my 4 plans have staging tracks below the layout. They give the trains somewhere to go once they have left my world. How does one handle staging tracks in Trainz? I intended to have trains eventuate from staging too, delivering cars to the interchanges or yards for local delivery up my branchline. Of course, I would be using cards so I would know where those cars were supposed to go.
As I would like to do actual switching, how does one use car numbers? Are they visible on the cars so I can say pull one out of a string to take to a local industry? This would be of particular importance when I create my real layout as it has 2 banks of coke ovens. Cars in there would be switched at different times, not all at once. The replacement empties would then have to be placed back in front of the correct ovens.
And finally, as I am getting both 2004 and 2006, which would you recommend that I start with.
I am very much looking forward to beginning my adventure in Trainz, I just hope it doesn't take too long to arrive!!
I am about to become a Trainz owner having just purchased the whole collection from the Auran online shop. While I wait for my packages to arrive, I'll tell you why I am here.
I am an active model railroader who model the Appalachian region in the late 1940's, in HO scale - coal country. My little railroad is called The Roaring Fork & Western. I decided to buy Trainz so I can create my model railroad in it and operate it as I would the "real" thing. I also have 3 other track plans I want to eventually incorporate into trains. These are the ones I never did build.
I do have a couple of questions if I may.
3 of my 4 plans have staging tracks below the layout. They give the trains somewhere to go once they have left my world. How does one handle staging tracks in Trainz? I intended to have trains eventuate from staging too, delivering cars to the interchanges or yards for local delivery up my branchline. Of course, I would be using cards so I would know where those cars were supposed to go.
As I would like to do actual switching, how does one use car numbers? Are they visible on the cars so I can say pull one out of a string to take to a local industry? This would be of particular importance when I create my real layout as it has 2 banks of coke ovens. Cars in there would be switched at different times, not all at once. The replacement empties would then have to be placed back in front of the correct ovens.
And finally, as I am getting both 2004 and 2006, which would you recommend that I start with.
I am very much looking forward to beginning my adventure in Trainz, I just hope it doesn't take too long to arrive!!
