

does anybody have problems with large rail yards with a lot going on my stuff crashes every time i pull into the yard with a lot of cars is it me are the game with 1 or 2 trains it works fine
some tips

My computer is "aged" :( so heres what I have to do to contol trainz and view them in a heavly deatiled area or yard

Keep all my sliders (in my proformace settings) down exept:

Draw distance (on both) is just shy (by that I mean to the left) of the middle

Train Poly count.

Patical Effects: I never use them as they toucher my system so thats kept all the way down in my game

I am using 2006

Hope this helps
Mike S.
Try lowering the framerate and framestoaverage in Trainzoptions.txt


and observe if it makes any difference.
I have noticed that tuning these parameters can make the difference between success and failure of any Trainz session when there is a lot going on.

You don"t say what your PC specs are but with my old PC (upgraded to 1GB RAM and 256 MB Graphics it was OK but it still had probs handling the situation you describe.My new PC (2GB RAM and 512MB SLI graphics) experiences no probs at all with a large yard full of stock and all sliders set to max.So its expensive but the way to do it is get a new PC or massively upgrade your present one.:cool: