Railroad car movement code and their meaning?


New member
I am working on the Hinton Route and am creating my passenger trains. In my research I found this document which references the passenger trains running on the Hinton line in the 1940's. I understand the loco's. But I have not been able to determine the meaning of the coding to the right of the cars on each line (10-1-1, 8-1-3, etc). I think it's car movement. Maybe it's the time of day they arrive or depart? Anybody know the meaning of these codes? Thanks for your help!

Please see the link for the document with the information.

Hinton Passenger Trains

I know next to nothing about passenger train consists but I don't think the numbers are related to the schedule. The note at the bottom indicates the the makeup of consists varied from day to day. Maybe these numbers represent the possible variations such as 10 coaches, one diner and one baggage car. Or 8 coaches and Obs being and observation car at the end. The ones with L might indicate a lounge car. But that is only a guess.
That helped. I searched consist train car types using the numerical code. Pullman uses the numerical designation for their cars. And Ob is observation car. I now can makeup my consists based on how they were run.
