Help with an issue with Trees


New member
I have T:ANE, SP1, Build 82718. I am creating a route and have been using a variety of trees on the route. Today I was adding trees to a new area and I noticed that the trees were coming out in multiple colors, purple, oranges, reds, etc. I checked on trees previously installed and they have changed color as well. It appears to be some of the built in trees that are affected 9mostly broadleaf styles). I performed a database rebuild, nothing. Then did it again after I had shut T:ANE down and re-started it, still nothing. Any suggestions on why this happened and is there any way to get them to revert back to green?

I think fall is early this year.

Edit the environment of the route / session and change it to June. See how (some of the) assets change. Now change it to January and check again. Note that it might take up to 30 seconds before the change happens.
Some assets have winter, summer and fall versions.
I will do that after I kick myself in the rear a few times. I went to environment, but didn't think about changing the calendar. Thanks for the assist.