Help Required: Zxr400's class 33.


New member
has anyone downloaded this?

I cannot get it to work as there is no 'engine sound' asset.

Does this mean the specs?

Does anyone know how I can get this to work, e.g which KUID I need for the engine sound

thanks in advance

14 year old enthusiast
I have that already installed, is that the only one possible?

As 33's have a unique engine (sulzer 8LDA28), would it sound OK?

thanks for the help anyway

The enginesound is the sound, the enginespec is the specs.
If you don't like the sound then your best bet is to make your own :)

What errors does Trainzobjectz / CMP give you?

If it's not working it's usually because something's missing or there's an error, but we need to know what TO / CMP are telling you is wrong before we can help.
I've just taken a look at this myself, it doesn't require the Class 26 enginesound at all... Here are the kuids you need to have:


yes, I have all of those, but it still says my engine sound is missng

by the way, thanks for guiding me through this!

What should the specs read
and what should the engine sound read?
hmm, I have both the specs and sound registering as 51536:51003, which obviously isn't right, I have tinkered with them both (whoops!), but I don't know which are the correct KUIDs for these 2.
Have you got these dependencies?


These are from

The only one I can't get to work is

Hope that helps
what are the 'br and 'alco?

and why the kuid2:51536:51003:3?

br and alco are built in assets (signified by the negative kuid), and are soounds.

kuid2:51536:51003:3 contains all of the information relating to the performance of the locomotive. (engine config)

Which 33 are you trying to get to work anyway?

I can remember it took me a long time to get all of the components, but I don't remember ever changing the configs around. I do know there are more than 4 33s on the DLS - there are over 20 if you include all the variations (33/0, 33/1, 33/2)!

Take another look to make sure you have all of the dependencies, because that was what was wrong when I had the problem. The way around that I eventually did was to download all of the uploads by zxr400, then one of them must have been missing.

I've just looked back at the first post, and the enginespec, as mentioned in my last post, is class_33_engine,<kuid2:51536:51003:3>.
Yes, everything is there, I will paste a config file on here:

kuid <kuid:51536:1331>
bogey <kuid:51536:50006>
bogey-1 <kuid:51536:50007>
engine 1
interior <kuid:51536:55000>
fonts 2
category-class "AL"
name "Class_33_1"
mass 72000
company "British Railways"
origin "UK"
kind "traincar"
running-numbers {
rn-0 "#33101"
rn-1 "#33104"
rn-3 "#33109"
rn-2 "#33112"
smoke_shade 0.3
smoke_random 2.5
smoke_slowlife 9
smoke_fastlife 1.3
smoke_height 3
smoke_fastspeed 2.9
enginespec <kuid:51536:51003>
enginesound <kuid:104722:53024>
hornsound <kuid:37028:54033>
light_color 50,50,1
asset-filename "class_33_1"
username "Class_33_1"
author "Mark (zxr400)"
organisation "-"
contact-email ""
contact-website ""
license "This model is supplied on an 'as is' basis , any consequences are solely the responsibility of the user. "
Which version of TRS are you using?

If you're using TRS04, then I think you'll need to ensure it's patched to SP4. If not, it's probably a good idea to upgrade anyway.

I've noticed that missing from that config is the KUID table, but missing from both that you pasted and the one I have is the build number - perhaps this is the problem.

Well on my PC these lines are different from yours:

enginesound <kuid:-1:42003001>
hornsound <kuid:-1:42003102>

Both of those are built in and work.
