Hi everyone,
Instead of digging the old thread of Alastair's sad passing I thought I would share this email with everyone on a new thread. As you will read his family is asking for help and I am not sure what to do. Any advice will be greatly appreciated and forwarded on.

Instead of digging the old thread of Alastair's sad passing I thought I would share this email with everyone on a new thread. As you will read his family is asking for help and I am not sure what to do. Any advice will be greatly appreciated and forwarded on.
I am writing to you as I am not sure who else to contact. Firstly could you pass on to the Trainz community the heartfelt thanks of my family for the huge number of condolences that came via the Trainz sticky thread. It was tremendously uplifting at a time when we felt particularly despondent. We had no idea that he was so well known. There was standing-room only at his funeral which took place in a beautiful location at Barham not far from where his locomotive is still stationed. His ashes were scattered last week by his mother, sister and I under a young beech tree at the crematorium. We were the only ones present. I have attached a picture of the tree. Alastair was not religious so I have also included here the poem that was said as the ashes were scattered, in case anyone is interested.
Can you help with a technical issue? When I switch on Alastair's computer, it automatically seems to log onto the Trainz Forum. This is obvously disturbing to all, but I need step by step instructions as to how to disengage it...unless it can be done from Trainz end of things.
Best wishes,
Georges Dussart
A farewell poem for Alastair
The world turns,
and you must move now in new ways.
Day becomes night.
Night becomes day
and you must play
your part in the great cycles of the earth.
Your past and present
Will nourish our thoughts and memories
Until, at last, we join you
in flux and pool.
Our love will be with you,
will carry you on to play the role
you would have wished.
We felt your love. Now, feel ours
and go in peace.
Alistair's Tree