Group project - saving sessions?


Active member
Hello everybody,

Is the following possible? In TS 09, 10 or 12.

Start a project with a group, and one member of the group starts with the route and a session within the route.
He sends the route and the session to another member of the group. This member makes somes changes within the received session.

Is it then possible to save the session, but keeping the name of the person who started the route and session?

I have tried this method, but every time when I did some modifications within a session, the session is saved under my name and when I'm running the session in driver mode, a major part of the drivers setup is no longer available within the session.

Something must go wrong within the saving process after some modifications have been done.

I have tried this with the save and save as option.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Having been involved in just such a group project I will agree that it can be confusing and is prone to slip-ups with KUID identities. Basically, if person A wants to modify a route and/or session that was previously saved and sent to them under the name (KUID identity) of person B then person A should always clone the route and/or session. This also preserves the original as a backup if necessary.

If the cloned route/session is then sent back to person A for more work, person A should also clone it so it is returned to their KUID identity.

The same should apply to assets.

As far as preserving the name of the original creator - adding a "created by ... with modifications/additions by ..." in the route/session description should solve that issue.
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Having been involved in just such a group project I will agree that it can be confusing and is prone to slip-ups with KUID identities. Basically, if person A wants to modify a route and/or session that was previously saved and sent to them under the name (KUID identity) of person B then person A should always clone the route and/or session. This also preserves the original as a backup if necessary.

If the cloned route/session is then sent back to person A for more work, person A should also clone it so it is returned to their KUID identity.

The same should apply to assets.

As far as preserving the name of the original creator - adding a "created by ... with modifications/additions by ..." in the route/session description should solve that issue.

Hello Pware,

Thank you for your working method :Y:.

Tomorrow ( now, it is bedtime for me ( lol ), I will do my test and hopefully no strange Trainz phenomenon will occur.

I will let you know what result I got.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello Pware,

I did the following test.

I opened CMP in TS 10.

Then I selected the route and made a clone of it. Next thing was to make a clone of the session ( which is within the route ).

Then I selected both clones and wanted to commit both. This didn't work - I received a message that it could not be done due to a database error.

So I tried again and this time it worked.

Result :

I had 2 routes with the same name.

First route no longer contained the session.

Second route contained 2 sessions.

When I checked both sessions in driving mode - all drivers were still available and useable.

I don't no the reason why I have a route with no session and a route with 2 sessions ( exactly the same ).

Any idea about the above situation?

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
When you clone a session, it still uses the original map, and not your cloned one. You have to manually change the reference to the map in your cloned session.

Yes, as p-dehnert pointed out (and I omitted to mention) you must open the cloned Session for editing in Explorer then open the config.txt file.

You must edit the map (route) kuid data in two locations in the session config.txt file.

The entry ...

map-kuid <kuid:xxxxxx:xxxxxxx> <--- the original kuid of the route

must be changed to the new kuid of the cloned route e.g. kuid:123456:100067 etc

and, further down the list in the config.txt file, the entry in the kuid-table ...

0 <kuid:xxxxxx:xxxxxxx>

... also change to the new route kuid.

It would also be a good idea to add a date (e.g. 20141227 - in yyyymmdd format) to the end of the names of both the cloned route and cloned session so you can easily identify your latest version from the original when you are loading the route and session in surveyor and driver.

Peter Ware
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Hello Peter Dehnert and Peter Ware,

Thank you for the extra information. I'm already using the date format within my route names, but it is also a good idea to use it in the session name.

Best regards

Kurt :wave: