Ground Height - Set Height Tool

I was smoothing some terrain to 0.00 that I had laid track through and suddenly it just started creating holes. I have tried different radius and heights but get the same holes. I have also quit and restarted. Using TrainZ 22 PE Build 122419. Thoughts?

Are you using Surveyor 2.0 or classic? HD terrain or the 5m/10m grid? Sometimes the best approach is to smooth the ground under the track, either by the button in Surveyor 1.0 or by selecting the track and clicking 'smooth ground under selected' in Surveyor 2.0, but this will often be dictated by the desired end result as it can have unintended consequences.


I was smoothing some terrain to 0.00 that I had laid track through and suddenly it just started creating holes. I have tried different radius and heights but get the same holes. I have also quit and restarted. Using TrainZ 22 PE Build 122419. Thoughts?
That is the build number of the steam version of TRS22 PE and the title are the settings in Surveyor 2.0. I tried everything I could to replicate the issue using both 5 m and 10 meter grid but I couldn't do it. No HD terrain in TRS22 PE and you can't edit an HD route in Surveyor 2.0 as the program will insist you save it first and the save routine converts it to 5m grid. My thought is that maybe this is a merged route or a route that uses both 5m grid on some baseboards and 10 m grid on others. There has been a issue with the edges of baseboard of different sizes not connecting completely and showing holes when you try to shape the terrain at the edges. Also importing old routes like from TRS2004 into TRS22 can cause holes if you don't save the route before trying to edit it. Saving updates the route format.
This sounds like the world origin is messed up. I've seen this before and I don't remember what I did to fix it. The height given in the world origin is not the same as what's in the topology tool.
Yes, that is a very good idea. I used to try to set the world origin on my RGS maps to the elevation of Delores (6,936 ft) so I could build up to Lizard Head at 10,200 feet and some tools would wildly effect the terrain.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my question. World Origin was the answer. I looked at the settings for World Origin and it was 160, I set it to zero and saved the route. Works as it should now.:D