Graphic Cards Help


New member
Hi All,

I have a ATI 7900HD graphic card that I think is on its last legs as I need to remove and reseat after every boot, I am looking to replace and was wondering what would be the best graphic card to go with:

Its a PCI Express slot and my specs our:
AMD FX 6300 3.5ghz
8GB Ram


R9 280X for the best bang for your buck.
GTX 970 for the best efficiency/heat performance.

For midrange budget. You could also advise us your budget.

OT: if you'e cash to spare a memory upgrade to 16gb wouldn't go amiss. :)
At this moment, the R9 390 is considered the optimal value card in terms of cost/performance, beating out the GTX 970. The R9 380 can appear a tad underwhelming, however a 380X is allegedly on the horizon. What Nicky9499 suggested as an R9 280X is no longer available and is the same as a 7970 GHz Edition, which may even be more of a side grade for you considering your current GPU.

Moving on from a 7950/7970, it might make sense to look at the R9 390 series, they best the 970's and provide cost benefits doing so, whilst not outputting huge amounts of heat like the R9 290's. A GTX 970 would also be an option of course, however there is the 3.5GB + 0.5GB RAM issue users noted, plus the fact they lack Asynchronous compute capability at the hardware level for DX12 features.
