Good Trees for T:ANE


New member
Does anyone have any good suggestions for trees (individual and spline) to use for T:ANE? I am currently using Pofigs trees on my TS12 route and they don't work. I need something that looks GOOD. The ones used in Kickstarter County do NOT look good. The JVC ones don't look that great either.
You could try the Forrest Summer, or Clam1952's trees - these begin with CL. They are billboards, but they don't look too bad. This might get you through the in between time before the Speed Trees can be updated. Pofig's may not be updated at all due him not upgrading the trees to the new Speed Tree engine, meaning the tree mesh and content has to be recompiled.

On another subject, Connel. Did you receive my pm?

Clam1952's trees are not rendering in T:ANE very well: some are soooo dark that they appear nearly black, with NO detail...others are so transparent they are like ghosts. Just tried Forest Summer Acacia 01 with the same result...looks good in TS12 but is nearly black and with NO detail. I wonder what is going on. I have got to find some trees that look good AND work in T:ANE.
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Said that earlier on the thread............ Also said that I will eventually update them, however it's going to take time. They did warn us that billboards wouldn't work too well in the new engine, Trainz666's trees some of which I use as well as my own are not working either.

Just spent most of the importing stuff for my route into T:ANE about 200 assets out of the 4000 odd dependencies I have had to run through images2tga because of the binary .textures in TS12 builtins, most actually were cars an JVC grass flowers etc and people, half a dozen items were unfixable due to mesh issues so I binned them, not critical. Looks pretty strange with Ghostly trees other than that apart from being too bright it's come out pretty well.
I thought that I read somewhere that if an asset was error free in TS12, that it would work in T:ANE. If that is true why won't Pofig trees work? What needs to be done to them to make them work? Can the average idiot (namely me) repair a few of them so that they would work? I don't know much at all (pretty obvious) about content creation, config files, etc., etc., but I only need about 6-8 trees to work to build my route the way I want it.

I did find a few JVC trees that don't look too bad in T:ANE, so I guess I will use them for now.
In a nutshell no you can't fix version 5 speedTrees to work in a version 6 SpeedTree Engine unless you have the original meshes and the SpeedTree Compiler which is at a cost beyond what most people can afford.
IDV the makers of the Speedtree plugin, don't do backwards compatibility and don't supply old versions, presumably as TS12 is 32 bit and TANE is 64 bit, N3V required a 64 bit engine which meant version 6 as 5 is no longer available.

Worth mentioning the N3V will only have to try and ensure those SpeedTrees on the DLS are compatible with T:ANE, can't reasonably expect them to do anything with a third party creator who doesn't use the DLS and has seemingly declined the offer for N3V to help with recompiling. Without digging up all the issues yet again, I think when pofig said he was not creating any more trees, that was final.
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OK made a start with updating 4 different size fir trees and my hedges. This is in T:ANE by the way if you hadn't guessed. Ignore the ghostly apparitions in the distance on the second shot. Point of this is to prove it can be done.........

If Pofigs trees won't work in TANE then I'm outta here. What a rip. All my work on a future route down the drain. Phooey.��
Haven't uploaded them yet, they are version 3.9 so that should keep them separate from the TS12 ones. I'll post on the forums when they are on the DLS, assuming it's accepting T:ANE stuff yet.
Haven't uploaded them yet, they are version 3.9 so that should keep them separate from the TS12 ones. I'll post on the forums when they are on the DLS, assuming it's accepting T:ANE stuff yet.

I don't think it is. Either Zec or Chris mentioned that it won't until possibly after the final release in February. They'll likely be rejected as version 3.9 until then.

I don't think it is. Either Zec or Chris mentioned that it won't until possibly after the final release in February. They'll likely be rejected as version 3.9 until then.


Oh well was avoiding 3.8 as they will probably not work in Mac if it has the same lighting issues as TS12, have to go to plan B then, when I've worked it out!
Malc, those look very nice in TANE, do they cast shadows as well? Looks like you have them to turned off here.
Hi Clam1952
The DLS does not accept T:ANE content at this time. We will post further information regarding this in future.

Please keep in mind that the appearance of some assets may chance once the post processing effects and shaders have been fully implemented in the full release. As such content creation should not yet be done solely in T:ANE as the appearance of the content may still change. If you intend on releasing assets, then these should also be tested in TS12 to ensure that they appear correctly in this version.

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Yes the shadows were switched off but they do work on the trees.

@Zec, aware that things might change however as the same trees in their TS12 version mostly come out black in T:ANE
To explain.
These were tweaked by reducing the diffuse to black which removed the horrible lighting effect TS12 has on Trees constructed with Planes, These TANE CE ones are actually using normal exporter settings that cause billboard to looked abysmal in TS12 but seems to be working OK in CE at the moment. I'm presuming that's more likely to be what the post processing will be based on, not my TS12 "bodge". There are a few of us that have used the black diffuse method.
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If Pofigs trees won't work in TANE then I'm outta here. What a rip. All my work on a future route down the drain. Phooey.��

I brought this concern up in the past about TANE but it didn't really seem to catch much fire at the time. I don't see much value in TANE until there is quality vegetation available which might be several years away. I've spent long hours on my WIP route that includes strategically placed pofigs trees and grass throughout the entire map. The other sad thing is the forum is littered with very high quality finished and WIP routes that use pofig's trees. Those routes will be useless in TANE. :( So much for "if it works error free in TS12 it will work in TANE". :n:
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If Pofigs trees won't work in TANE then I'm outta here. What a rip. All my work on a future route down the drain. Phooey.😡

I think I am with you Dave. All of my routes have Pofig's trees, and I ain't gonna change them. That is the major reason I have not installed CE!

Yes I am in the same boat as Dave and dricketts. had I known about this I definitely would not have pre purchased Tane. Very disappointed.