Going forward with TANE


Well-known member
It appears there are multiple problems with TANE but perhaps we can start to see what can be done with what we have.

First frame rates, I understand there is something in the developer settings that shows the frame rate. Could someone please let me know exactly where to find this. I can see a mean frame time and a std deviation but I'm not aware of what they mean.

Second traditionally in Trainz some layouts need more computer power than others. Can we identify a few that are complete including rolling stock but are more suitable for lower powered machines? UK layouts included please.

Third trees, we don't all live in Australia, some of us model where the trees are green. Pofig was good at green trees. Suggestions please, staying within speedtree.

Fourth DLS cleanup, <kuid2:480583:100093:1> emCoal is referenced as a product or load by many wagons. TANE won't make any of them available unless it's sorted out or the reference deleted. There will be other dependencies like this where one or two assets stop lots of things working. Can we identify them and rectify them.

Five some .tga files which are accepted by TS12 are not accepted by TANE this needs sorting and possibly an assetX type solution.

Six some of my models are coming up as more than 500 polys for the lowest mesh, Pev's mesh viewer shows 328, the bogies are culled, the couplings are culled what is going on? More content creator support is required.

Seven can someone with a laptop play and see what we can do to get the beast to run. So no shadows, sliders left to start then gradually nudge them up to an acceptable frame rate. We need to identify a suitable layout and rolling stock, if Trainz can run on Android then it should be possible to run something on a mid range lap top. This is extremely important because this is where the main market is.

Thanks John
Hi John,

For a good number of these questions and subsequent answers, I recommend joining the Dev group as mentioned here from the latest newsletter:

[TABLE="width: 800, align: center"]
[TD]Join the exclusive content creator forum!

[TABLE="width: 800, align: center"]
[TD="colspan: 2"]We are working hard to get in contact with each and every content creator to find out how TANE is going for them. If you want to tell us anything at all, whether it's good feedback or you need support for a certain asset or script, please get in contact with us ASAP.

[TD]You can contact our "Content Team" at contentcreators@n3vgames.com and we will get you setup in the invite only private content creator forums.

Regarding laptops, there are a few people that use them. Inquire over in the Kickstarter forum where the majority of the T:ANE users appear to be hanging out. I can't make any recommendations on settings because I use a desktop with an i7, 32GB RAM, and an NVidia GTX780Ti, which handles the game quite nice.

To get to your FPS, click on Developer on the menu and choose profiler. This will open up a separate window where you can watch all kinds of numbers. The FPS that you are looking for is located at the top.

>To get to your FPS, click on Developer on the menu and choose profiler. This will open up a separate window where you can watch all kinds of numbers. The FPS that you are looking for is located at the top.

The top is something called buffer count.

However I don't see developer on the menu as an option nor profiler.


Thanks John
>To get to your FPS, click on Developer on the menu and choose profiler. This will open up a separate window where you can watch all kinds of numbers. The FPS that you are looking for is located at the top.

The top is something called buffer count.

However I don't see developer on the menu as an option nor profiler.


Thanks John

I might not have been clear enough, which isn't surprising...

When you first start T:ANE, you get the launcher.

Click on Developer on the top-part.
Click on Show Profiler.

The topmost line will show Render: xxxx fps where xxxx is your value you want.

I already fixed emCoal and emGravel, gave them to Ed. He should have uploaded them by now but I will check with him to make sure. For SpeedTrees, look at McGuirel's pay ware, the best you can get and they are not expensive (look in the payware section).
emCoal is still the old version on the DLS.

On a clean layout with a steam loco, half a dozen wagons I get 40+ fps, on ECML 11 fps, that's with low shadows and high detail on the texture.

So it looks like select the right assets and we can get TANE to run on lesser hardware and compensate for the software. I think adding a couple of layouts on the DVD that will run on a laptop instead of concentrating on big complex layouts that look good on high end hardware might even get this thing off the ground. So we need the least load track to start, any suggestions?

The reason I posted in General was if it doesn't get sorted then I don't think N3V will be around much longer.

Cheerio John
Hi John --

"Second traditionally in Trainz some layouts need more computer power than others. Can we identify a few that are complete including rolling stock but are more suitable for lower powered machines?"

That's quite a difficult ask. Nowadays it's very difficult to define what constitutes a low spec PC. Is i3 low spec? Possibly. But an i5? And the graphics card? And even my i7 with a high end Nividia card struggles with many routes.

What I can say with certainty is that the T:ANE layouts that I uploaded recently:
a) Are complete, with sessions.
b) Use only T:ANE built-in and Download Station content.
c) Give better frame rates on my PC that all the others routes I have tried.

If you or others would care to try them I'd certainly be grateful to see what frames rates are obtained. See here:




Thanks, in advance, for any info.
Very interesting thanks for sharing. :D :D

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@ philskene:

I downloaded a few of your old TRS04 routes in the past (I think one was "beside the river" or something like that) and added these on to my own mega route for TS12 which is now also in TANE. Never ever did I experience any problems with your routes when transferring these into newer versions of Trainz, except the odd faulty asset issues. Which were easy to fix by either fixing such asset or replacing it with another one.

All your created routes are tops, have a similar appearance ground texture wise as my original own route has and often I left your textures there as they were.

Thank you again for being such a prolific and excellent route creator, what would we mere mortal users of Trainz do without you?

Third trees, we don't all live in Australia, some of us model where the trees are green. Pofig was good at green trees. Suggestions please, staying within speedtree.
Thanks John

There are trees if you are in Aust or the US, however there is next to none for UK or anywhere there are UK type trees. And the UK type trees that were in TS12 have been butchered into over-bright green things that cant even be used if you're looking to build a realistic layout.

For SpeedTrees, look at McGuirel's pay ware, the best you can get and they are not expensive (look in the payware section).
Agreed, if you want US type trees. I have asked about UK type trees, the reply was..
I would only be willing to look into this in the Fall and if enough Pre-Order Interest would be available to support a European Package......

However, I have been approached via PM recently by someone willing to produce some UK type speed trees, I have been outlined what to expect and it should be a really nice selection. So there is some really good news on the horizon, I don't have any eta just that they are in the pipeline.
There are trees if you are in Aust or the US, however there is next to none for UK or anywhere there are UK type trees. And the UK type trees that were in TS12 have been butchered into over-bright green things that cant even be used if you're looking to build a realistic layout.

Agreed, if you want US type trees. I have asked about UK type trees, the reply was..

However, I have been approached via PM recently by someone willing to produce some UK type speed trees, I have been outlined what to expect and it should be a really nice selection. So there is some really good news on the horizon, I don't have any eta just that they are in the pipeline.

The so-called "US" trees we have by default aren't even close to what we have up here in the northeast. Brittany has made some really nice ones which are very usable, but a bit on the large size. The default creations except for the generic broad leaf, and birch varieties are truly scary looking critters.

In Southern New England and into the north, we share a lot more with flora located in Germany, the Scandinavian region, Baltics, and Russia. What's interesting is our Eastern Spruce is a close relative of the Bavarian Spruce. In our region in particular, we have rowan, popular, willow, spruce, oak, maple (lots), birch (a lot too), ash, hemlock, locust, and pine with a smattering of black cherry, apple, pear, peach, and their relations, and various pines such as red, white, and other long-needle varieties.

The biggest problem, I think, in general with all the Speed Trees we have in Trainz is their size and perfection. Most of our trees are a lot smaller now because the good ones became houses, boats, and buildings, and the land was once cleared for farms. In my area in particular, there were once big stands of Eastern Hemlock and pines. Today, the pines exist on the topmost hills with the surrounding land filled in with newer-growth forests made up of young maples, birches, and black cherries. The latter tree is a throwaway just like the birches as they both rot quickly and are overtaken quickly by the other species. This isn't saying there aren't any full-sized trees as found in Trainz. These exist as standalone trees in parks, and on people's lawns. The rest are small tangles of trees with lots of brush.

I would add one more built-in tree to your acceptable list, John.

I find that the Red Oak passes as a generic tree in all sorts of places.
